Monday, 11 February 2008

Latest News For The O.J. Simpson Campers

O.J. was thrust, not so abrubtly, back in jail again, as many of you know. While cameras were rolling, he proceeded with the comment, "I'm back!", in a very cheeky manner. I'm all for it! I know some may greet that statement of his with disdain. But, given his current situation, I feel he is handling himself quite well. Take the fact that he (may be) responsible for a double homicide out of the picture, and, the guy seems, frankly, quite likable. I almost can't blame him for being upset that his stuff was "stolen" (allegedly). I have had things stolen from me (several times), as well, and still somewhat cringe at the fact. For me, not only were they big-ticket items, but, also, items of such value to me, and my family, personally. They were very irreplacable. I can't imagine why someone would want pictures of my daughter, and a year calendar with a photo of me and the love of my life laid out in scroll fashion, and journals; writings of the heart, among a host of other things! But, I digress. I can't say he handled himself incorrectly. Though, I can't vouch for any kind of armed enforcement (alleged armed enforcement), lest it's the kind used by LE (Law Enforcement) in the most appropriate of manner, or by civillians in self defense mode, I might add, I can vouch for this: The guy (more than likely) got caught up in emotion... over everything. Give the guy some slack. Wouldn't you want some rope (not to hang yourself with) if you were in that same situation? And don't give me that, "I would never be in a situation like that!" routine. It could happen to any of us... it could happen to the best of us. And that is my commentary! -SDRoads

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