Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Lastly, two bullets:

*I had blocked people at my facebook that were connected or associated in any way to the JonBenet Ramsey and John Mark Karr cases. These people seemingly were a part of a larger group. I blocked in order to not see updates or possible nonsense. They were not a part of my friendlist at face when I unblocked recently. Was there a person or persons that read my Easter Eve entry here or at face that misunderstood said entry, gossipped about it, that gossip resulting in my alleged not knowing when Easter was through voicemail message? Or did the man whom left the ridiculous allegation via voicemail make the assumption himself? Hmmm Mysterious Ha ha ha * I just found out yesterday that I now have to see ANOTHER specialist. Let's see. What number is the list up to now? Eight? Aye yi yi I am grateful for my "followers" here. I do not like to use the word "followers" but that is the word that is used here and at Twitter,
etc. I feel we should only follow Jesus. :) I will keep ...

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