Saturday, 9 October 2010

Post Script Part A

I was asked if I had any friends local to my area or only net friends because it was found strange that I had asked a previous ex of John Mark Karr to be the GodMother to my kids. I told the person that asked me that that was a stupid question. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't coming down on that person, even giving kudos for the other questions asked. We had a laugh. Yes, I have friends locally, & that I see. And they are wonderful! But I am not about to expose the current location of me or my family nor do I share the names of my close friends. There are killers out there. I chose this line of work, amateur as it is, therefore I must take certain precautions. I mean, think about what happened in the Ramsey case. Think, also, what happened in the Samantha case, even to me. That was a case I did not even know! Reporters after me! And to tell John's side of the story? Are you kidding me? Talk about a conflict of interest, people! I do not even give John
Ramsey my address for a stalker or stalkers...

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