Saturday, 2 October 2010

JillíanJon Néws Continued from post immediately below:

There is a class action law suit out there against the agency. I am not a part of it. It is not about money to me. However, I do realize it does raise awareness to protect children. And, hopefully, after I look into it, I will find that the people versing the "government" will get their children back. I would not want to "gossip" it is all about money without fully knowing the story as some of you who gawk at my blog gossip about things you do not know. It is okay to write to people or speak with people about things that DIRECTLY AFFECTED you or yours. But if you still feel compelled to gossip, get the facts first. It is also okay to report the news, but again, get the facts first. Look, some of you didn't just gossip about me, but about my daughter's mother. Get what I am conveying? In doing so you also gossiped about her. Do you really think a little innocent girl named Jillian would appreciate any of that? Leave innocent people to be at peace. -SD

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