Monday 26 July 2010

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on JonBenét John Mark News Update.

Hello to everyone. This is my response to a comment that had been attempted to be made to my scoop like commentary two posts down. I will show the comment here. -SD : If one was to read my web log here, one would see that I grandly have a life, a rich and full one at that, thanks to God. It is a life I would never trade. And, I am happy I do not have the anger and hatred some seem to have. What I find odd is that I always seem to be the one singled out for doing the same thing hundreds upon thousands of others do. I write about certain cases in some of my free and work time. And I hurt no one doing it, as so many others do. I even get near threatened with retaliations. But retaliations to what? This is a Christian site, one where everyone gets a fair shake. And proud of it! So many things I have hd3n

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Mon Jul 26th, 2010 9:19 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on JonBenét John Mark News Update.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "JonBenét John Mark News

Leave it alone and get a life. You have too many of your own problems
to worry about someone that NEVER lusted after you the way you did him.
He never wanted your help and he never wants to hear from you or your
feeble minded opinions EVER!

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Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 26 July 2010 06:19

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