Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Fwd: Fighting for the Valley in City Hall, Not Downtown Special Interests

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tamar Galatzan, City Prosecutor" <info@paul4council.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:48:23 -0800
Subject: Fighting for the Valley in City Hall, Not Downtown Special Interests
To: "sdroads@gmail.com" <sdroads@gmail.com>


Dear Neighbors:

On December 8th it is crucial we elect a voice for our community that
will listen to our needs and fight for us at City Hall.

Paul Krekorian shares my values and my concerns about Valley
neighborhoods. I admire his results-oriented leadership in the State
Assembly on runaway film production, as well as his vote against the
release of thousands of state inmates who would end up in our

CD2 voters should know that Paul has been consistent in his support
for neighborhood councils and his opposition to overdevelopment. Paul
is a proven advocate for Valley homeowners and jobs, and he has the
skills and familiarity with CD2 to be an effective councilmember for

Paul's work on runaway production has shown clear and fruitful
results. The production tax incentive has already brought back over 25
major film productions to the region that would have otherwise been
filmed out of state. These productions don't just help the film
industry, they help small and medium businesses in the region thrive.
While others claim to have helped bring jobs to our region, Paul has
shown concrete results.

This election is also important because it is clear that the downtown
insiders and special interests are supporting one candidate, and
that's NOT Paul Krekorian.

This is why we can't afford to let the downtown insiders and special
interests win this election. Paul is the choice of the vast majority
of neighborhood council leaders and community activists because they
know he won't be beholden to developers and others that don't care
about the Valley or its residents.

Please join me in supporting Paul Krekorian for City Council on December 8th.


Tamar Galatzan
City Prosecutor

PS – This election is too important to sit out. Please mail in your
absentee ballot TODAY or vote in person on Tuesday, December 8th.

Paid for by: Krekorian for City Council 2009 - General • ID # 1321819
13063 Victory Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91606 • (818) 849-5200

-_-_-_-_- Gooo Krekorian!!! *SD

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