Friday, 23 January 2009

Travolta Speaks With Extortionists?

To put it in the words... of Harvey, something's up. This is about the Travolta Tragedy. I knew something seemed askew when I put up my "looms for the lacuna" post. It has been reported that John Travolta has been speaking with extortionists, per the death of his son, Jett. It was further reported that he "has been cooperating", with authorities, as I understand it. Moreover, the extortionists referred to here have been reported to be a politician and an ambulance company employee. I will report more here as I get word in. It has been stated that the extortion is happening because there is information that could be leaked that would be disturbing to the public and to the Travolta family. I hope it is all hype, and that everything will be o.k. for the Travoltas in this most difficult, devastating, and tragic time. -SDRoads, reporting

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