Wednesday, 14 January 2009

The Dawning

Something just dawned on me, as I sat waiting for the next bus. I noticed I often come to the defense of, so to speak, men. Simpson, Karr, Peterson. It is not that I do not come to the defense of women. I mean, just think about Patsy, a great lady, I might add. Yes, the late Mrs. Patsy Ramsey. But, I am more thinking of Caylee*s mom, here. The reason I have not written about her is because I don*t know that much about the case. With respect to Simpson, I had heard and seen much in the media. With Karr, I heard little of him at the time he broke out in the news in 2006. Not long over a year ago, I was doing more research on the JBR case, and came across video footage of Karr and Brooke Simmons. It was touching. That*s where it all began. I contacted the 2 of them with greetings and they both wrote back in a two part letter. Brooke also wrote me separately and mentioned JMK*s forum. I then had the opportunity to participate there, soon afterwards coining
the phrase "SUPPORTER" of that site and their plight and cause. That can be explained upon request. I got wind of Peterson*s new site, read up there, and was impressed with it. The family is amazing. And Scott is rather intelligent and quite nice. I feel he may be innocent for a host of facts. Plus, I had cable at the time his story (Wow, I just fought off an anxiety attack. We were on the freeway. Around the time of Patsy Ramsey*s demise, I have been struggling with them.) came out. I watched a lot of Nancy Grace at that timeframe. But with Caylee*s mom, I had not abreasted myself with the story. I do know her parents love her very much, along with their grand daughter. I also know that the public at large did not like the mom. Is that because of villainizing on behalf of the media? Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps I should look into the case of little Caylee. All children are precious... and equal. So many beautiful little souls are
slain in body each year, many of whom never make it to the Tabloid Express, or to the media in general. WHY IS THAT? I wrote a song about that last year. *SDRoads

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