Tuesday, 9 December 2008

The Resurrection

Bottoms Up~
From bottom to top:
1. Not Too Well
2. On My DeathBed
3. Slippin'
4. Gone
5. R.I.P. As The Soul Travels
6. Rigamortis
7. A Visit To Hell
8. Ahh, To Fly~ It's Great Bein' A Ghost

I had done a series of self portraits. My friend would chalk the photography. I am going to post them here, for, at the other site I store them at, the host is loosing them left and right. It would be a shame for me to loose some of that work. I have lost so much so far. And, I would like for my girl to see these some day. My boys already have the chance. I am also planning on posting some regular photos for family memories. I might as well here, since this is also a family newscenter, eh? The next set, above, is The Artist, The ArtWork. And after that will be a series of funny shots of me, being silly, that got me into a whole world of trouble with Key. More on that later. I am in the process of saving all from the other site, all that is left, onto my USB Drive. I will share all of those in time, along with the local and international news that strikes me. Thanxx for visiting. -SDRoads

photos from the SDR Files

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