Thursday, 4 December 2008

Christmas Is Almost Upon Us

We will be starting to prepare for the holiday season today. Here are some of last year's memories. Unfortunately, the site I was storing them at lost half of my pictures, again. And my floppy disk drive is not working at home, and some of my floppies are not working right anyway. So, I lost some good ones of Shanathan, etc. However, I had saved some things to my e-mail accounts as backup. But, that will take a while to find them all. So, in the meantime, here is what I got. I have got to salvage what I can, here, at our family news center. I have got to find the glorious ones of Shanathan. One is a permanent fixture at the bottom of this site. There was a set of them. I want to post these to kick off the season. It graciously reminds me of all the fun and excitement we all had. Christmastime, along with Santa, will soon be here. Wink Happy Birthday to Jesus in advance. Many good things coming here soon. If I don't write again here today, or post any news stories here today, I'd like to wish you all a nice and safe and warm night. Don't forget to drink your hot cocoa... with whipped cream on top. LoL -SD

Photos from the SDR Files

*UPDATE* I have found one since then, and added it plus a couple more. -SD December 17th, 2008

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