Tuesday, 4 November 2008

This Just In!

Well, actually, a bit ago, this came in from a viewer and friend to my e-mail account:

I just got home from voting and running some errands. There was only about a 10 minute wait at my polling place. My ballot was number 387 in my precinct. I usually vote at 4 or 5 pm and my ballot is usually less than number 100. Today at 11 am I was number 387. Sounds like a big big turnout. That makes the results of the polls less accurate, I think.

My son's job is directly across the street from Grant Park, in Chicago, where Obama will be speaking tonight. They are expecting a million people in the park on the shores of Lake Michigan to hear Obama speak tonight. Wow, a million people! Half of downtown Chicago is starting to close down to make room for the crowds of people, some of which have been waiting since last night. My son is at work, but he will be leaving early snce his building will be closing in the next hour. He can see the whole park from his office window.

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