Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Hi. I'll get caught up on my pile of text for the news center later. I feel this is more pressing. Thanxx to an old friend of mine, I was even ...

... able to hear of this:

(From my e-mail account inbox, not in it's entirety with respect to unimportant or private information. What's left may astonish you. Was I write, I mean, right (a Freudian slip) about the whole Muslim in the WhiteHouse thing, in a past post here? You decide. On my end, I still have to look up the difference between Islam and Muslim. Go figure. LoL But, this truly is most serious. -SDRoads)

And here is a portion of that e-mail that had been forwarded to many people, including me:


You know this IS real scary. Makes you want to VOTE REPUBLICAN even if you are not.
--- On Tue, 9/9/08,
Subject: Fwd: 57 states?????
To: "Xxx Xxxxxxxx"
Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 9:20 PM

From Rush Limbaugh's
radio show yesterday.....

Hey, folks, you want to tweak
the Drive-By Media with me right now?

You are aware, probably,
that Barack Obama lost his bearings recently and said that he was
going to campaign in all 57 states.

You heard this? And
most everybody chalked it up to, 'Well, he's tired.'

You know,
this is a Dan Quayle moment. I mean, Dan Quayle goes out there
and misspells 'potato,' and we still hear jokes about

Barack Obama says he's gonna go out and campaign in
57 states! He was
just tired, you know, it's been such a long campaign, he's been
so many places, he probably thinks there are 57 states.

Well, I
have here a printout from a web site called the International
Humanist and Ethical Union.

And here is how the second
paragraph of an article on that website begins.

'Every year
from 1999 to 2005 the organization of the Islamic conference
representing the 57 Islamic states presented a resolution to the

United Nations Commission on human rights called commbating.'

Obama said
he's going to campaign in 57 states, and it turns out that there are
57 Islamic states.

There are 57 Islamic

So did Obama just lose his bearings, or
was this a more telling slip, ladies and gentlemen?

KEEP IT GOING, FOLKS! Our future is at stake...

Make no mistake about it."


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