Saturday, 20 September 2008

Hear ye! Hear ye! This just in!

For all of you moms out there, or for all of you stay-at-home dads, or, like they say on KCET's A Place Of Our Own, "bla bla bla all caretakers", I found a really great deal for a much needed neccessity. I know, such a work aholic am I.... Just always lookin' out for you guys. Haha Anyway, back to the deal, for all of our local viewers in the San Fernando Valley, Nestle's Juicy Juice, All Natural 100% Juice, in varying flavors, is at an all time low at $1.49 per 64 oz. bottles! And, that's not the end of it. It also has Vitamin C at a whopping 120%, and, NO SUGAR ADDED on top of it!! Can't beat that now, can ya? Go ahead, I dare ya. LoL Go check it out. -SD

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