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February 23, 2008, 09:23:23 AM
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News: Question: I guess your stance on this whole situation is that you were involved in JonBenét's death but you don't want to make any other incriminating statements because you don't want to jeopardize you freedom correct?

John Mark Karr: It is not a matter of losing my freedom but is instead, an instant death. Yes, I deserve death. I would welcome Mr. Ramsey to take my life but not law enforcement. If I am to die, I would prefer he do it for he is the one whose child I took. You must understand that I ran from law enforcement for years. In the last five of the ten years, I left the country never to return again. When caught by my enemies - law enforcement, I did not resist arrest and did not deny my involvement; however, I never completely cooperated with law enforcement. My views of what justice is are very different from the views of others. My punishment has already commenced. My death is forthcoming.

Poster: If anything, I think I could stand to learn from you and your experience. Somehow over time I've looked to you as something of a martyr, a figure of guidance even through sin and pain. Sorry if I seem a bit cryptic, but this is how my mind interpreted your public figure.

John Mark Karr: It is ok however you may interpret me. How can I guide anyone? I have sacrificed myself but not more than I have sacrificed ultimately the ones I loved most dearly. What is there to learn from one so guilty? What can be taken from one who has lost all? I can convey to you the agony I feel due my loss that was all my fault. Can I tell you of a lovely child I once loved and lost due my actions? Can I tell you how I have dealt with the most tremendous loss of my life while the world has spit upon me? How can you learn from such a person as I am? I can agree with you that I have sinned and I endure the most intense pain due my sin. And all I can talk of is a child who should be able to see sunshine beaming from a blue sky. I can cry and mourn before the world in her name and who shall listen and why should I care to be heard? "For nothing now can come to any good."

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1 Current Discussions / Brooke / Re: Natalee Holloway on: Today at 02:46:25 AM
Started by Brooke - Last post by SDRoads
Thanxx BeeBee. *SD

2 Current Discussions / Brooke / Re: Natalee Holloway on: Yesterday at 09:00:03 PM
Started by Brooke - Last post by BeeBee
Although Joe Bob does seem obsessed with John Mark, I do believe he was referring to van der Sloot. In my opinion, Joe Bob is not a member of LE. If he is, he definitely needs some schooling on investigative techniques and interrogation routines.

Quote from: SDRoads on Yesterday at 03:17:09 PM
Brooke and Joe, for some odd and peculiar reason, and based on, according to BeeBee, Joe's latest and most ridiculous question of this forum, I just have a hunch that Joe was referring to John Mark with the question below. I could be wrong. Maybe he was speaking of Van der Sloot... but, it just doesn't fit the profile. He seems to be preoccupied with John Mark. Am I wrong, Joe? Respectfully asked, SDRoads. Hey Joe, I wish I could meet you one day. That is because, I think you're a cop, working in the homicide division, and I'd like to be a cop one day, working homicide. I know that will make some here cringe, and I mean no disrespect with that. One gentleman had asked me if there was anyway he could talk me out of becomming a cop, any way at all. It was asked so nicely. I would like for that gentleman to know I am considering his advice. But, at the end of the day, we all have to go where our hearts lead us. -SD

Quote from: Bob on February 21, 2008, 06:11:38 PM
Brooke, do you believe that he will be prosecuted?

3 Current Discussions / Brooke / Re: Natalee Holloway on: Yesterday at 03:17:09 PM
Started by Brooke - Last post by SDRoads
Brooke and Joe, for some odd and peculiar reason, and based on, according to BeeBee, Joe's latest and most ridiculous question of this forum, I just have a hunch that Joe was referring to John Mark with the question below. I could be wrong. Maybe he was speaking of Van der Sloot... but, it just doesn't fit the profile. He seems to be preoccupied with John Mark. Am I wrong, Joe? Respectfully asked, SDRoads. Hey Joe, I wish I could meet you one day. That is because, I think you're a cop, working in the homicide division, and I'd like to be a cop one day, working homicide. I know that will make some here cringe, and I mean no disrespect with that. One gentleman had asked me if there was anyway he could talk me out of becomming a cop, any way at all. It was asked so nicely. I would like for that gentleman to know I am considering his advice. But, at the end of the day, we all have to go where our hearts lead us. -SD

Quote from: Bob on February 21, 2008, 06:11:38 PM
Brooke, do you believe that he will be prosecuted?

4 Current Discussions / Brooke / Re: Hi, Brooke, how long have you known John Mark Karr? on: Yesterday at 03:07:06 PM
Started by PraiseJesusChrist - Last post by SDRoads
Hi. I mean no disrespect to Joe whatsoever with the following statement. However, I would like to share something. BeeBee, what you wrote to "Joe Bob" below simply tickled me. Once again, this site has brought a smile to my face. Thanxx again. I hope all works out with you, Joe, John Mark, and Brooke with that situation. Humbly posted, SD

Quote from: BeeBee on Yesterday at 08:04:38 AM
Congratulations, Joe Bob. You just won the prize for the most ridiculous question ever posted on this forum.

Quote from: Bob on February 21, 2008, 09:15:30 PM
Brooke, do you beleive that John is or ever was a pedophile?

5 Current Discussions / Brooke / Re: Natalee Holloway on: Yesterday at 03:01:56 PM
Started by Brooke - Last post by SDRoads
Hi Brooke. I am not sure if what I wrote was taken the wrong way. Due medical, I just now was able to really read this, and respond. When I wrote he was a young man, (Van der Sloot) that was more or less a figure of speech. I was not making allowances for him. It's just that, when you're pushing 40, and have a bunch of medical problems that slow you down, everyone seems young! LoL Even those older than me seem "young". Haha. Also, I just want to make sure I have been taken the right way... just in case... I wrote something like at least John didn't speak as heineous as that you man, I didn't mean to say that John did speak heinously, just not as heineously as that (young) man. I meant that John did not speak heineously at all. See, both men were on hidden camera. And both men's true spirits shown through. I was actually complementing your John Mark. Brooke, I am not even sure if I have been misunderstood with what I had posted. I just want to clarify, just in case, that's all. Thanxx for your time. How is everything with you? How is John Mark these days? As always, I hope all is well. How is school? Sincerely, Shannon

Quote from: Brooke on February 17, 2008, 02:19:54 PM
He is not a young man, he is a little punk who instead of trying to get help for her as she was suffering, he dumped her body into the cold ocean! He admitted it!

John did not admit to killing someone under the influence and on hidden camera, nor did he talk graphic about a deceased person, like that little creep did.

Quote from: SDRoads on February 17, 2008, 11:34:20 AM
I almost don*t want to answer because a hidden camera was used. The whole Ablow thing, you know. At least John never said anything as heineous on hidden camera as that young man did. It helps show true character and truth. I*

6 Current Discussions / JonBenét Ramsey Case / Re: red ink heart on: Yesterday at 02:38:42 PM
Started by Bob - Last post by SDRoads
Joe, I can't speak for anybody, of course, but, I think what happened was, some felt that you disrespected Brooke with a comment about something she did and wrote being "cute". I guess it just kind of made her appear as something she is not. In other words, Brooke is a very smart, caring, and logical lady, and that cute comment just made her appear less mature and capable than she actually is. I think that was what broke the camel's back. I mispeak (write) sometimes, too. Perhaps if you apologize to her, you will be welcomed back to participate in this forum, and maybe even be able to log on as your original name of "Joe". Again, though, I cant speak for anyone, this is just a feeling I have about this situation. I'm sure it will work out just fine. John, Brooke, and BeeBee seem to be understanding, forgiving, and open minded people. I am most sure you have a lot to contribute to this site and forum. Sincerely, SD

Quote from: Bob on February 21, 2008, 09:18:48 PM
Well, I really don't know why I was banned. Please tell me so I won't repeat my mistake

7 Current Discussions / Brooke / Re: Hi, Brooke, how long have you known John Mark Karr? on: Yesterday at 08:04:38 AM
Started by PraiseJesusChrist - Last post by BeeBee
Congratulations, Joe Bob. You just won the prize for the most ridiculous question ever posted on this forum.

Quote from: Bob on February 21, 2008, 09:15:30 PM
Brooke, do you beleive that John is or ever was a pedophile?

8 Current Discussions / JonBenét Ramsey Case / Re: red ink heart on: Yesterday at 08:02:46 AM
Started by Bob - Last post by BeeBee
I suggest you stop playing games and wasting my time with this matter, Joe Bob. You know the reasons.

Quote from: Bob on February 21, 2008, 09:18:48 PM
Well, I really don't know why I was banned. Please tell me so I won't repeat my mistake

9 Current Discussions / JonBenét Ramsey Case / Re: red ink heart on: February 21, 2008, 09:18:48 PM
Started by Bob - Last post by Bob
Well, I really don't know why I was banned. Please tell me so I won't repeat my mistake

10 Current Discussions / Brooke / Re: Hi, Brooke, how long have you known John Mark Karr? on: February 21, 2008, 09:16:04 PM
Started by PraiseJesusChrist - Last post by Bob
Respectfully asked, Bob