Tuesday, 8 April 2008

It's even worse watching the "excerpts"! -SD

When watching the whole thing, it drives the issue home even more. They say, "she never fought back.", as though that is a measure of honor. And, to some extent, it is. I want to say, I would have gone down fighting. But, perhaps she was too afraid to fight, using psychology. Maybe she figured if she fights back, they'll get worse. And, I believe the child when she says she didn't post those horrible things about the girls, that her myspace had been hacked into. But, I must admit, the monst-e-rous tyrants seemed hurt, too. Again, this whole thing sickens me. Parents, get a hold of your kids and ALL of what they are doing! The Internet can be a dangerous place, among other places, such as YOUR OWN LIVING ROOM! Stop this before it gets worse. Reduce your kid's freedoms before it is too late. THEY ARE KIDS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! And that is my commentary- SDRoads

Copy and paste the following link to view the "excerpts":
Photo furnished by Google

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