Tuesday, 25 March 2008

This Just In... This just couldn't wait until after Spring Break!

Thank you so much, gink, for the following post at another site you and I participate in. I appreciate it so very much. It was like an additional EasterTime gift to me. -SD
9 Current Discussions / Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx / Re: Questions For Gink on: Today at 12:33:46 PM
Started by SDRoads - Last post by SDRoads
Thanxx with the deepest of sincerity, gink. Oh, last night was just about a couple of bullies trying to hurt me. It got my feathers ruffled. Some of it happened here, in the new topic entitled Question for SDRoads, Why so many posts? How is your day going so far? I am about to... Please see SD's Journey...

Quote from: gink on Today at 10:06:46 AM
I dont know what your talking about regarding last night.... No matter, I see you are doing good and creative things without being vain. You keep the importance of your web site as it will get bigger and your message and resources will eventually be a benchmark (the standard of an industry). My blessings and keep us POSTED OFTEN. Sincerely Gink.
... What a wonderful message to receive!!! -SD
Gink's Motto: With the less you give, you are a taker.

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