Tuesday, 5 February 2008

On The Homefront

This is the segment for the Roads' Family News Letters. Each comment will posess a different newsletter and/or update. For you, Jillie Girl..... It's the Archives of our Lives, that of the Family!... your family.... -SD, your Mom


SDRoads said...

Hey... out there...

A New Beginning.... From the Heart.
This, will be short and sweet, this time. I am going to face my fear. I can not deny my
feelings. I am afraid to be let go from the program. I want... NEED, to graduate. Please have
faith in me. I can make this. The often don't have someone rooting for them.
Maybe... I ... was just not used to it. Please give me and my son the chance to succeed
through your agency, at !!!!!!!!!!!! I ask from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of
me... and my precious son, whom, loves this progarm so very much. It had kind of grown on
me, too ; ) : )... And, guess what, my hours shot up!!!!!!!!! Even with all the medical I
had to face! Sincerely, Shannon , a.k.a. Shannon . 2/4/08 by SDRoads

SDRoads said...

Yes, barely. Thank you so much for asking. I came so close to being dropped from the program. And not for a valid reason. As it stands, I still have not received an answer that was not vague. This is my future we are talking about here! And the future of my family. The first thing they did to me was derank me. Many found what they did to be objectionable. They did that to me one and a half days after I put in a semi-formal complaint against them. The Coordinator called me in for a meeting. No advance warning. None. I figured the object of my complaint would be discussed. Was that the case? No, a resounding no. Instead, they demoted me. What I said next, next... *SD

Sent out to a friend(?- Time will tell.) on the morning of Feruary the fifth, 2008.

SDRoads said...

This was what was asked of me, regarding the above comment:


Did you get through whatever you were doing this afternoon? I hope you are alright.


Sent to me on 02/05/2008

.... and... I think she is a friend!!!!

SDRoads said...

The continuation, sent to that same friend:

Hi. This is the second part of that email. The update is they give me this near lecture on never missing school even if my son is sick. One even had the audacity to say that even if her UNBORN child is sick, she*s still going to come to work to get her "hours". Her hands she put in the air to sign the quotation marks when she said it. They deranked me for missing hours, due to medical, I might add! The next morning, her and I arranged another meeting for later that day. The irony lies in the fact that, without warning, she cancels my appointment an hour before to go home "sick"! She never even called me. I lost 2 and a half "hours" at school for that. I am under contract to pull 32 hours a week. Now, they give me benefits and extensions in piece-meal. This is just so wrong, on so many different levels! How are you today?

SDRoads said...

I recently got word this day, that a loved one, a very dear one, my dear one, will be going in for a bypass. The set date was for the 21st of this month, one week after Valentine's Day. However, it seems it can't wait. The chest cramps are hitting every few hours, from what I have been told. Please pray for My Dear One. Thanxx, SD

SDRoads said...

Emotional traumas hit due to the Heartmare Tragedy Mystery for the Road's Family.

SDRoads said...

Oh my goodness, Jillian, there is so much to report this day. Hospital visits, temporary loss of full vision, emergency room stays, the fact that the family is not all together on this wonderful Valentine's Day, and, how that hurts some is what is in our story this go. Honey, I am just too sick to type it all now. I hope I will be o.k. I, along with your father, need to be alive and well for you and your brothers and sister. By the way, the other day, your baby brother said he loves you. Love your Mom, SD

SDRoads said...

Different e-mails that document some of the latest happenings in our family. One day, a chronological and detailed account will be readily available for you, sweetheart, my Jillian. Love, Mom

Hi xxx xx. I haven't spoken to xxxx yet.
The man that called was the GodFather for us. He kept his promise about calling back last night. He wants to help anyway he can. But, today, he did not return my call and I needed a ride to Whittier, like a medical safety ride. Well, they gave me a free taxi cab ride, roundtrip, and it's set for Thursday morning, the same day as Key's heart bypass. I went to the school nurse today when I was feeling funny and had trouble breathing. Then, I requested the school shrink for my two new phobias. It was nice. Very comfortable chair. I even laid down. haha I feel like I'll stop breathing, like it's manual and hard, and not automatic. Maybe it will gt me over my other phobia of riding on trains. Many things going on. A meeting in two minutes... uuugghh!! Then dinner, then group, then chore, then Shane and myself ready for bed, then homework, then cleaning/organizing my room, then off to dreamland. I only wish that... ooopps, I forgot! -Shannin

(Update-- Shane and I fell asleep with our clothes on and I didn't even set the alarm. We got that tired.)


Many troubles. Last night I was pulled aside and told that "medical has come up again and this may not be the place for you.", referring to my home and program. Today I was massively late for school, crying. A Co-Coordinator called me back to make me feel better. I saw the shrink for the first time yesterday at school to help me through this , my friend just showed up to help me through this, and I'm going to see the shrink again at 1:00. My asthma is kicking up real bad. My friend is going to escourt me to the dentist in the cab tomorrow. As always, pray for me. At least I am all of a sudden surrounded by friends.