Friday, 8 February 2008

Delta Burke Currently Seeking Psychiatric Care!

On TMZ, late last night, very late, I might add, close to midnight, California time, I learned that Delta Burke has checked herself into a Psychiatric Hospital! She gave her story to TMZ through a phone interview. Such a brave thing to do. I'm sure with the money and influence behind her, and her husband, actor Gerald McRaney, she could have staffed off the story coming out a little longer. --You go Girl! Share with us your story! Keep being ever so sweetly brave. By telling your tale, you may be able to help others! I am quite proud of you!-- The irony lies in the fact that Britney Spears wanted "desperately" out, and not so long after, nearly immediately, Delta Burke wanted desperataely in! Check out the latest news covering through the link within this post. Something I found to be quite peculiar is, there is one story out there that says she's in, and one story that says she's not! Go figure! I'm praying for ya Delta Way. -SD,_Delta/gallery/AGM-000085/&h=267&w=400&sz=32&hl=en&start=20&tbnid=yp36MkR-EK1lfM:&tbnh=83&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDelta%2BBurke%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG


Anonymous said...

TMZ broke the story. Delta did not want it to go public.

SDRoads said...

Thank you so much for leaving your comment. It was very informative, actually. I am going to look into this (the above information you shared with me) and, quite possibly, adjust my news blog. I appreciate your input, whomever you are. Sincerely, SD