Thursday, 24 January 2008

Coming Soon!

This website, in it's entirety, is up and coming! Thank you for your patience. -SD


SDRoads said...

Thanks for the elaboration. BTW:

You're not gonna believe this, but, I think I just spotted a spy. It is of either military issue or LE backround. Of course, I could be wrong. When I turned around as I was getting up from the computer, I spotted him right away. I didn't show alarm. He looked at me. As I walked over to the main desk, I turned to look back at him. He was still watching me, I'm most sure, I am not wearing my lenses now. I could see he was, and I could feel it. As I approached back to my desk, where this computer terminal is, I shot him a look. He received it. I just got up again, to go back to the main desk. As I did, his eyes stayed locked on my c.t. (computer terminal). He appeared to be squinting. I could be wrong about that, due my lack of lenses at this time. I could be wrong about all of this. He is positioned virtually behind me. I felt they were coming, I just didn't think they would be here so fast. Wish me luck. -


SDRoads said...

Well, a few moments ago, I nonchalantly (Is that how you spell that word? haha) turned around to see what is going on. I needed to know if he was still there, too. I found that he had quitely moved to another c.t., one where I can't see his face. Interesting. His back is to me. -


SDRoads said...

Gink, feel welcome to post anything you wish to, here.
-SD ... You too, nancy. : )

SDRoads said...

15 minutes are up, gink! LoL ; )

SDRoads said...

Oh... and you, as well, T. : ) -SD

SDRoads said...

Hi y'all. I hope you enjoy the changes! -SD

SDRoads said...

We all must remember that, sometimes, things are not as they seem. No one should ever jump to conclusions or automatically suspect things of, and in, people. And, that goes for everyone of us on God's green earth, on both ends. It's always a two way street in Life. 01/28/08 -SD

SDRoads said...
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SDRoads said...

Still working hard to create the links you need to post. As of today, 29/01/08, I am encountering problems with this site. I will continue working on this tomorrow. I am frustrated enough for one day. ; ) Thank you. -SD Administrator