Thursday 14 October 2010

A Vacay

Today is a true vacation day for me. I have no work scheduled, due to my medical exemption. And I have planned for no volunteer work today. I normally work volunteer regularly, at a pace conducive to my physical health level. I worked extra hard, and safely, over the last three weeks to be able to take this day off. Tonight is a mini party. It is like my weekend is starting early. And no chest pain or heart palpitations today. Hooray! Granted, I have severe pain in my lower right quadrant of my abdomen. But that is a bit easier to deal with than the chest pain, that makes me clutch, at times. I actually got to see Good Day LA!! My daughter, JillíanJon, was named after Jillian Barberie and my father, initially, as well as JonBenét, later. Jill B. was making Halloween treats on the show. You have heard of the expression "sitting on the couch, eating bon bons"? Well, I'll be sitting eating California Rolls and string cheese. LoL Heck, I may even watch a
soap opera. ha Gotta jett. TMZ is on. ;) -SD

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