Monday 11 May 2009

Homework is done. Committee meeting notes prepared.

Time for me to rest. But first, a reflection, and a pondering. You know, recently I, myself, have come under fire. It has been a rough go for me due to the fact I write about JillianJon and JonBenet. Some people can not stand it. But, I stay true to my convictions. And, what is comforting is that SOME GET THAT. Yes, they understand things happen ("It happens.") and that there is no shame in expressing what happened. I myself think of the words of now departed Patsy Ramsey: I am beyond embarrassed. You see, in my estimation, the old saying "Things happen for a reason." rings more true than one can ever imagine. Look, you never know when what you say or do might just help someone. Heck, maybe even save their family, or life. So share on! And, never be ashamed of your voice. And that is my commentary, SDRoads

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