Tuesday 10 June 2008

Why, I just shook the hand of an American Veteran sent back home from Iraq!

The stories of "The Jet Set & The Hollywood Royalty", as well as, "Will The Queen To Be Make It To Her Rightful Seat?" can wait. I just shook hands not too long ago with a Vet whom has received a purple heart... at the age of 33! I have received exclusive rights to post her story here. The interview to come. It's not sooo exclusive, I mean, she has been written about before. But, my story will have a different twist. Her name, Ms. Inky Wilson. A real nice lady, she is. She, as she sat there with all of her scars and lingering injuries, had such concern for me as I, yet again, had trouble breathing on the bus. (It actually started on the way to the bus.) She has hope she will get better. She looks amazing considering what she had been through over there in Iraq for 3 years!!! She has hope, and a lot of life left in her, and a lot of life emanating from her, as well. I will pray for your complete recovery, Inky. She was a bomb victim while in Iraq, just as the beautiful child was in the above picture. But, there was no purple heart for the child. So, here's to you, brave little one, and a honorary purple heart for you in your honor! -SDRoads

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