Wednesday 4 June 2008

What came first, the chicken or the POLLO?

As I was standing in line at the campus cafeteria, waiting for my bacon and egg sandwich on sourdough, two young men came up beside me. The first leaned down to get a good look at what was being offered. The second excitedly boasted out, "Pollo!". Now, it just so happens that I knew what he said, though I am no the all too important bilingual individual. For some reason, a thought rushed my mind. It was about how some words sound very similar in differing languages, while others are entirely different. The next thought I had was, "I need to look up the origination of the word, 'pollo'." My final thought was, in the old antage of What came first, the chicken or the egg?, what came first, the chicken or the pollo?!

Photo provided by Google and the following web addy:

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