Wednesday 21 May 2008

Yet again, unbelievable timing!

It was just yesterday that I decided to write dedications to many people, a few of whom are a bit upset with me, bout three. When what do my wondering eyes should appear? And the very first thing this morn, right after I woke up, I might add. A source of mine sent me word that a poster at a particular forum asked a certain couple if the Supporters were going to be invited to the wedding. It was further e~mailed to me the answer from one half of the happy couple, along with words something similar to, "This should make you happy." My immediate thought and response, after rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes, was that it doesn't make me happy. You see, I was the originator of the term "The Supporters" with respect to that site. And, boy! Did I take a beating for it at other sites and forums. But, I kept on with it. I just had to be me. I was the first and heaviest Supporter of that site... and, yes, I still am, even though I was 86ed from the site. I didn't see how it could make me happy to know that, though the original plan was to invite no one, that the "Supporters here" are welcome. Me friends keep sayin, "You are a Supporter... You'd be welcome, too." Yeah, I'm a supporter, but from the~outside~lookin~in. You see, I am no longer "there", due the infamous banning. However, I know with all of my heart that my source did not mean to upset me. I guess the person genuinely thought that I would be able to go, too. I feel the timing is uncanny, given what I had just posted yesterday about the couple. It made me sad, yet again. See, we, the Supporters, were all thinkin, and a talkin amoungst ourselves long ago on how we all would love to go to that wedding. Once, a supporter asked me if he/she should ask the couple. I suggested no. Thought it would be to pushy, though, it was a little daydream of mine. Then, out of nowhere, like a strike of lightning, this new guy bolts out with the question. Oh well, C'est la vie. And that is my commentary.

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SDRoads said...

SDRoads said...