Thursday, 28 July 2011

A Plight Turns

... into a mission.

To Never Give Up

-SD Roads

This post submitted by me, SD Roads, Administrator, via Yahoo Mail

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

What's summer without a summer ray of Marilyn?

Great!!! But it is just that much better with her, at least, thoughts of... along with images. :) She was a very nice, intelligent, caring, careful, poetic, artistic, giving lady that did not deserve what happened to her. On a lighter note, "Diamonds are a girls best friend!" She is luminous in every way. Love ya Marilyn!!!! -SD Roads

This post submitted by SD Roads, Administrator, via Blogger Dashboard

photo credit: both photos from website "Beauty & the Beach"

I hope you are all having a really great and also blessed summer. -SD Roads

Photo credits: blog; You Appear Just Like A Dream
This photo posted by SD Roads, Administrator, via Blogger Dashboard

Wednesday, 20 July 2011


July 2011
Photos submitted by SD Roads, Administator, via Yahoo Mail

Hiya Guys

How is everyone today? I hope well. I will be online for just over an hour and a half. I will be making some changes here, such as coloring, and adding pictures. I'll also be over at facebook for a while. On top of that, I may throw in some work and do a little research. LoL It's a lazy hazy summer day. Well... not so much hazy. Have a great day, y'all!!! :) -SD

This post submitted directly by SD Roads, Administrator

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Watching Little Miss Sunshine

It's a loaner from my friend. Greeeat movie!!! :) You should see it. -SD

posted by me, SD, via Yahoo mail

Saturday, 16 July 2011

My Wish..

Complement of the day to you,

Do kindly allow me crave your indulgence in introducing myself to you, I am Mrs. Sarah Scott, a 59 years old widow diagnosed of cancer. I am married to Late Engineer William Scott, who died after a protracted illness. My husband before his death was into Private Engineering Practice his entire life and left me all he had worked for. Our life together as Husband and wife lasted for three decades without a child and Due to our helpless state of childlessness, my husband and I made a vow to uplift the down-trodden and the less-privileged individuals as he had passion for persons who can not help themselves due to physical disability or financial predicament. I can adduce this to the fact that he needed a Child from our marriage, which unfortunately never came.
Recently, my doctor told me that I have limited days to live due to the resurfacing of my cancerous problems and my battle for survival has been on ever since my doctor diagnosed me of this deadly illness. What really bothers me the most is the fact that my surgeons have successfully carried out all possible cancer therapy including cancer chemotherapy and the last one was called radiation but my state has remained helpless as yet, they have therefore suggested I be referred to hospice unit and I'm afraid I may just have little or no chances of survival.

In anticipation of this hard and unfortunate reality that has befallen my family and me, I have decided to donate the funds derived from my late husband's vast Estates and Investments in Capital Market which the bank totaled the sum of £13,000,000.00 British Pounds to you and want you to use this gift of Good Will which comes from my husbands effort to fund the upkeep of widows, widowers, orphans, destitute, the down- trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially. I made my God a personal vow to touch and affect the lives of does in need because that's exactly what I consider true generosity, you give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing. Give, and it shall be given to you For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return. I have therefore been touched by God Almighty to take this kind hearted decision of giving since I do not have any child of my own tha
t will inherit this money, except for David and Elizabeth whom I adopted immediately after the death of my husband because I actually needed some one to love and care for, they both clocked 5 and 7 this year and are doing pretty well in their studies because I have created a Trust-Fund that will be more than enough to see them through school and there after still have enough to secure them a good future. They both call me mum, how nice...As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank in the UK. I will also issue you a Letter of Authority that will empower you as the original beneficiary of this fund. Though I haven't met with you in person but the Spirit of God has asked me to go ahead and do this, I therefore trust and hope you pursue this noble course reaching out to the less-privileged once in your locality.

You can reach through my private e-mail address:
Mrs. Sarah Scott.
My Wish

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Beauty And The Streetz.

You're welcome. -SD

This comment and response posting submitted by SD Roads, Administrator

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Fri Jul 15th, 2011 3:46 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Beauty And The Streetz.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Beauty And The Streetz":

thanks for the interesting information

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 15 July 2011 00:46

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Let's Do

Let's all L I V E!!!
-SD Roads

This post submitted by S D Roads via Yahoo Mail

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Our roadssd account has been up and running again from cell access as of late, but if you want to write us, please send all e-mail to the JillianJon account. After all, this site had been dedicated to her, JonBenét, and children everywhere. I thank you. -SD Roads

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail


From Uganda

Our family to expect word from our little Uganda boy and family any day now. We are very excited about this. We will keep you abreast of the greetings and changes for the better in the life of our new family in Uganda. -Shan (SD Roads)

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

Massive Gas Leak At The Property Where SD Roads Resides; Neighborhood Scare

Four gas mains had been shut down on the outside and one from the inside of yours truly. I am quite ill from it all but holding on. I awoke to a phone call of which I did not answer at 1:43 am this morning and decided, after lying in the dark for a bit, to write, though weak. I went to the hospital a couple of days ago after my doctor office suggested it for what appeared to be unrelated to the toxic exposure. Now, I am not so sure, antibiotics do not seem to be relieving symptoms. I am off of them as of today, anyway. Thank goodness for that! They are rough. Some of the carbon minoxide went by undetected by professionals for the Lord knows how long. To my loyal followers (I dislike that sites coin it as "followers": that term can bring up a whole different conotation.) I send a heartfelt thank you and request: please keep our family in your prayers. -Shan (SD Roads)

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

Patriarch Of Family Vanishes For Over A Month

Key, Shanathan and JillianJon's dad, finally gets word to his immediate family after seeming to disappear for over a month, for what seemed like an eternity. Key could not get word out to his family due to his having a heart attack. And the matriarch of the family, which happens to be me, not knowing which part of England he was in at the time contact came to an abrubt hault, did not know what to make of it: less I knew in my heart something was wrong and he would not purposely vanish. Our family got word from Key yesterday. I extend my gratitude to all of our well wishers and those who care. I thank God he is alive, well (?), and, now, upright. I will update this story as more word comes in. His cell phone seems to be malfunctioning at this time. -Shan (SD Roads)

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo mail

On Sources

If you have a credible source, make sure they get their facts straight. Otherwise, undue hurt may arise. -SD Roads

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Say What?

So this guy calls me @ midnight and says, 'I got her on the phone.' I think I had to say "hello" twice. Not too smooth on his part. Then rambles about the calibration of the donut machine. That's the ct machine I was in at the ER 2 days ago, mind you. I had to keep telling him, 'Nooo, I didn't want to be in that machine!!!" He kept insisting I should have insisted on having the scan again. He said that the machine was messed up. I kept telling him I was the problem: I could not stop moving. I even threatened to scream if the tech did not get me out at the time. I have been closterphobic since July 2006. The guy that called is in another state. He was never at the ER. THEN, he said, "You're watching chihuahua at midnight." with a tone as if to say it was wrong. It's a fricken movie on a Saturday night! What's so wrong with that? WTF?! Answer is: uh yeah. Chihuahua. Great movie by the way. I highly recommend. Any who, how has your day gone so far? -Shan
This post submitted by SD Roads, aka Shan, via Yahoo Mail

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Well, I was hoping to be in bed by 5 am.

I am just this side of 5, early just a wee bit of me mark, yeah. Sweet dreams to me and I wish you all a splendid day. -SD

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail


The content within my article two posts down all ended up being a part of a very special, and, I must say, very extravagant, birthday party complete with full fireworks show at the end of the evening. The fireworks were bigger and brighter than those of July the 4th this year. However, that may have been due to the possibility the fireworks were closer, though appearing to come from the same place as July 4th. On a different wave length, though the albeit big, bold, mighty, and most patriotic of vessels flew through the air with great authority, I am concerned for all of those in our neighborhoods that were not made aware of the celebration and may have been frightened throughout the afternoon and evening. I called my youngest son on his cell to ask if he saw the fighter jets. He said, "Yeah, they were just too loud.", ever so sweetly and softly with his young voice. Still on site, wrapping up this two part story, SD Roads. Good morning everyone.

This news flash continuation posted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on McCain's Game.

Aww Thank you so much! I simply just adore to write. Have a great day, Anonymous! -SD Roads

This comment and response post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Sat Jul 9th, 2011 5:03 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on McCain's Game.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "McCain's Game":

Thanks for your marvelous posting! I actually enjoyed reading it,
you're a great author.I will make certain to bookmark your blog and
will eventually come back in the future. I want to encourage that you
continue your great posts, have a nice morning!

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 9 July 2011 02:03

Friday, 8 July 2011


Two big fighter jets flew by moments ago. Just after, all kinds of flying activity in the sky by aircraft of varying type, including several army air planes all heading the same direction, began wreaking havoc in the air. After the initial blew at the eardrums, the sound of sirens of all kinds made their way into the airwaves. It is interesting I was redoing the family emergency kit bag earlier today. Be prepared folks. Will try to get pictures from my Shanathan's new cell. SD Roads, reporting

SD Néws- Where our news is your news.

article posting submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo mail

story momentarilly delayed -sd

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on What? Why is this left as a commen?? Hmmm -SD FW: ....

Thanxx. ? -SD

This comment and response posted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Thu Jul 7th, 2011 5:04 PM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on What? Why is this left as a commen?? Hmmm -SD FW: ....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What? Why is this left
as a commen?? Hmmm -SD FW: ...":

Hello Exactly as you say.

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 7 July 2011 14:04

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Fwd: MP PET 2011 Counseling Procedure & Schedule.

DTE MP PET 2011 Counselling Procedure

Directorate of Technical Education M.P. Pre Engineering Test Online Counseling

DTE MP PET 2011 Counseling Process

1.Online Registration

2.Documents Verification

3.Online Preference/Choice Filling and Part Payment of Tuition Fee

4.Online Allotment

5.Reporting at Alloted Institute and Document Verification

MP PET 2011 Counselling Schedule

MP PET 2011 Counseling Schedule

Candidates interested in seeking admission against non-resident Indian seats, shall be required to verify following documents:-
(a) Mark sheet of qualifying examination. If the Board / University from which candidate has passed his qualifying examination award marks in grade system, then the formula for conversion of grade into percentage marks shall apply. This formula should be certified by Indian Embassy / Indian consulate of that country. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination from a country other than India are required to submit a certificate from the Indian Embassy / Indian consulate or Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi to the effect that the examination passed is equivalent to respective qualifying examination of Indian system;
(b) proof of nationality;
(c) certificate from Indian Embassy or Indian consulate of the country where non-resident Indian is residing to the effect that father / mother is non-resident Indian, or original passport of non-resident Indian or true copy of pages of passport certified by Indian Embassy or Indian consulate of the country, where non-resident Indian mother / father is residing;
(d) notarized affidavit of mother / father sponsoring their son / daughter under non-resident Indian category;
(e) two passport size self attested photographs of the candidate.

 Contact for Counselling:

  Phone: 07869596286

Monday, 4 July 2011

Count down to fireworks over...


sent by Shane n Shane via Yahoo Mail

HaPpY JuLy 4th tO EvErYoNe!!!

Love, Shan & Shane

This post submitted by SD Roads (Shan), Administrator via Yahoo Mail

Saturday, 2 July 2011


Rest in peace, Dennis Hopper, a.k.a. Tony. And, may the light of the moon always give you peace. Love, Shan and Shane

This post submitted by SD Roads, a.k.a. Shan, via Yahoo Mail