Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Happy Birthday Eve Marilyn!!!

This post brought to you by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

photo credit: web site "Just Marilyn Monroe On Her 30th Birthday"

Monday, 30 May 2011

In Honor of Memorial Day and All of Our Armed Forces

May you all have a blessed Memorial Day. And a big thank you to all whom have served and serve our country. From our Family to Yours, Shannon Douglas (SD Roads)

This post submitted by SD Roads, Administrator, via Yahoo Mail

Keep smilin'. :)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

It's The Hard Knock Life

Shane peacefully and merrilly plays at the park after doing a stage performance from Annie. The day is bright with just a bit of haze. There is the gentlest of breezes. The mountains look majestic, as always. Praise be to God. Hard and yet soft day. -Shan

This post submitted by SD Roads, a.k.a. Shan, via Yahoo Mail.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Play Ball!

I am here at the park Smock Field, taking a break from helping to redevelope the elementary school garden, to watch the Teachers vs. The 5th Grade end of year baseball game. :D I work the 5th Grade Promotion tomorrow. I remember when I was a kid promotion was in 6th grade and Junior High started in 7th and finished in 8th. My, how times have changed! Anyway, the score is 7 to 2, in the 4th inning, Teachers lead. One gentleman reports to me he feels the teachers, particulary one, should hold back on their skills a bit, further stating, "It's not fair." I get his sentiment. I do. But a good time is being held by all. My 8 year old son, Shanathan, who is in 3rd grade, was just chanting, "Let's go teachers! Let's go !!" And he doesn't seem to be moved by all the other kids saying, loudly, "Let's go 5th grade! Let's go!!", over and over. That's my boy! Play ball! It is back to the game for me. Reporting to you live, SD Roads

This post submitted by SD Roads

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Dancin through the hardest day of my life. -SD

Posted by me

Monday, 16 May 2011

Fallen Petals

Something interesting and a bit sad is happening to the roses outside my living room window. The roses seem to fall apart from the semi strong breezes as fast as they bloom. Blooming seems to be on a rotation system. I can not save them. But my friend, Jennifer, and I did work on saving a baby bird today. Life, true life, is good. -SD Roads

This post submitted by SD Roads, a.k.a. Shannon, via Yahoo Mail

Sunday, 15 May 2011

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on From a song at my church:.

You're welcome. :) -SD

This forwarded comment and response submitted by SD Roads

----Forwarded Message----
From: roadssd@yahoo.com
To: roadssd@yahoo.com
Sent: Sun May 15th, 2011 2:07 PM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on From a song at my church:.

Christina Rodrigues has left a new comment on your post "From a song at
my church:":

happy SUNDAY.
Thanx for sharing :)

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Christina Rodrigues to Who really knows Anyone... or
anything?!....A Measure of Protection! at 15 May 2011 11:07

From a song at my church:

*Teach me to have a childlike heart.
Teach me to be undignified.
Teach me to have a childlike heart.
Help me to lose all of my pride.

I will abandon myself to the Lord.*

^Not the exact words. HAPPY SUNDAY!!! -SD

This post submitted by SD Roads

Friday, 13 May 2011


It is movie night! Complete with popcorn. :) Shane and I relaxing at home with two great rentals. Have a great weekend, y'all!! -SD

This post authentically posted by SD Roads

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Plastic Molds Manufacturer

Dear Sir/Madam,

Our company, King Mold Limited is located in Shenzhen City
Guangdong province of China. We are middle size of mold maker
company and about 100 machines in house. We made about 500 molds
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Thank you for your time in advance. Your prompt attention will be
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Your early reply will be appreciated, thank you!

Sincerely yours,

Tony /Marketing Engineer
Business Development
B&H King Mold Limited
Tel: +86-755-29779915 EXT 811
Fax: +86-755-29779215

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

roadssd.thenewscenter, please help japan!

You can also view this email online: Click here

Hello roadssd.thenewscenter,

the current death toll in Japan stands at more than 11,000 with
thousands still missing after a devastating 9.0 earthquake and
tsunami struck on March 11, according to Reuters.
More than 450,000 have evacuated their homes and are living in
shelters. Please read below for an updated list of ways to
help the people in japan.

Numerous organizations have created ways to aid disaster relief
efforts for those affected by the earthquake in Japan and
tsunami throughout the Pacific.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières is sending two
three-person teams to the Iwate and Miyagi prefectures in Japan.
Learn more about the organization's efforts and
make a donation at


Text the American Red Cross (REDCROSS to 90999) or visit the
url below to donate $10 from your phone.


Save The Children is sending an emergency team to assist its
staff in Japan. Donations to the group's Children's Emergency
Fund will help preserve the welfare of children there.


GlobalGiving disburse funds to organizations providing direct
relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake
and tsunami. All donors will get email updates on how their
funds have been used. Get more info and donate today.


A contribution to International Medical Corps helps ensure the
disaster relief to the services they need today, including
primary and secondary health care, food and nutrition,
clean water and sanitation, mental health care, and the skills
they need to rehabilitate.


Please help the people in japan!

If you want to unsubscribe from my newsletter, click here.
Best regards

Saturday, 7 May 2011


I write "everyone" for even the children, no matter the age; young or grown, seem to enjoy the special day, as well. The Royal Tea was lovely. And, tomorrow, more specialness. Thanks be to God in all things. And thank you to my children. I love them all, so. -Shan

This post submitted by SD/Shan via Yahoo Mail

Friday, 6 May 2011

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on a LiTtLe SpIcE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzBt....

Thank you so much. :) -SD

This comment and response submitted by SD Roads, Administrator, via Yahoo Mail

----Forwarded Message----
From: roadssd@yahoo.com
To: roadssd@yahoo.com
Sent: Fri May 6th, 2011 9:54 PM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on a LiTtLe SpIcE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzBt....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "a LiTtLe SpIcE

Really like your websites particulars! Undoubtedly a beautiful provide
of knowledge that's extremely helpful. Keep it up to hold publishing
and i'm gonna proceed studying by way of! Cheers.

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 6 May 2011 18:54

I LOVE being a stage mom!!! -SD

Posted by SD :D

Oh my gosh!!!

The show started! Hooray! Posted by me

Relief, and relief for those in Japan

The last rehearsal for the show went well. We are all not so nervous now. All proceeds go to Japan's victims of modern technology. The kids decided that. So, let the show begin!!! Deep breath. Don't break a leg, Shane. But do gReAt!! Love ya, MoM Oh, SD to y'all. ;)

This post submitted by me, SD :D

Oh my gosh!!!

Preppin 4 the talent show now. And, it is the last rehearsal! Shane's first one! I'm workin it. Gotta jett. 'Av a gud dai, y'all. -SD

posted by me :D

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Yardwork, sneeze, more yardwork, shower, put on apron, housework, take off apron, work, PTA, Booster Club, Open House, picnick style dinner, help with homework... sweet dreams. :D And, yes, I will be wearing more than an apron. LoL ;) -SD

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

Monday, 2 May 2011


Ah, but what does Napol. say? -SD

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

On Obama

The President feels justice was served and that it is a good day for America. I feel we are living in history. -SD Roads

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail.

More from the Update Department

American Muslims are in hopes that the death of Osama will "ease pressure". Yet the Director of our CIA feels "terrorists will almost certainly try to avenge (Osama)". This is certainly a tough position. So, what IS next for al Qaeda? Who Really Knows? -SD Roads

Qoute Source: CNN News

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

Twitter News

A Twitter user had "unknowingly" reported the death of Osama bin Laden. -SD Roads

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail with special thanks to CNN.


Mr. Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security@ said, We are "going to do everything we can" in the attempt to prevent the denial of the death of Osama bin Laden. Furthermore, he had stated that he was confident they had a solid basis to "take action". -SD Roads, reporting

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on This concert I'm at with me Shane RoCkS!! x.

Thanxx. -SD

This forwarded comment and response sent by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

----Forwarded Message----
From: roadssd@yahoo.com
To: roadssd@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon May 2nd, 2011 7:17 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on This concert I'm at with me Shane RoCkS!! x.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This concert I'm at with
me Shane RoCkS!! x":

Hey this issue is really interesting. Keep it going man !

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 2 May 2011 04:17

Still waiting for the briefing.

So, you still have time. Just about to start. Oh, here we go. On now, John Brennan. He is the Assistant to the President. -SD

This submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A....

Thank you. -SD

This comment and response submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

----Forwarded Message----
From: roadssd@yahoo.com
To: roadssd@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon May 2nd, 2011 9:15 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "FW: [Who really knows
Anyone... or anything?!....A...":

You got great points there, that's why I always love checking out your

My blog:
Meilleur Taux ou simulation Rachat De Credit

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 2 May 2011 06:15

The Dow Is Not Down

DOW is up by 20 and the NAS is off by a fraction, according to the latest report. -SD

This update brought to you by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

The President's Briefing about to begin any moment.

Catch President Obama on CNN. -SD

This post submitted by SD Roads via Yahoo Mail

Let Us Be

Let us not be double-minded. And let us be (oh, that word I do not like to use,) mindful. -SD Roads

This post sent via Yahoo Mail by SD Roads

On OHHsama (OBL) Part 2

... rest in peace, (He was someone's son.) along with all the other humans whom have died in this religious style war. God Bless America! And may God Bless all lands and peoples. Innocents reside everywhere. There has been an extra feeling of unity amongst Americans today. That is good. I, myself, even want to carry around a flag this day, the United States flag, of course. But let's all unite, and have world peace. There's an idea, eh? And that is my commentary, SD Roads

This post, along with the one directly below; both parts one and two, sent to this blog via Yahoo Mail by SD Roads. HAVE A BLESSED DAY!!! Peace, SD

It's not over yet...

On OHHsama (OBL) Part 1

"So, Osama is dead ya say?", I think to myself after I get the sleep out of my eyes much later. You see, I had gotten a call that woke me up from a not so deep but comfortable sleep at around 10 pm. I then, of course, proceeded to call one of my friends ringing the same news. It has begun to work almost like a chain letter. But I digress a bit. And why oh why does the news of Osama bring Switzerland to mind? Hmmm And I find it interesting that Osama died during Obama's reign. But I digress again... purposely. Well, with all the theories flying around, they are all really just moot points(?). Perhaps we shall know when the truth in pictures starts leaking out to the World Wide Web? ANOTHER question. Hmmm And another "well". Weeell, I am sitting here at this fancy restaurant with Osama staring at me from the Daily News laying on the table, and CNN directly overhead. It is about time for my Belgian Waffles. But I will leave this post with one last point...
yet two. From a Christian standpoint, may Osama...