Monday, 30 August 2010

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Disease News Update.

Hi. I am not sure what you mean by "register", but if it is meaning to open up an account there, from what I have been told, it is not that easy. One would have to be invited. However, my information may be outdated. I can not even get into my Gmail (Google mail) from my cell, these days. Uuuggh! And all I have is cell net. I am pretty sure that if you were to create a blogger you would then have the option to open a Gmail account. I am having a cup of coffee with a spot of Ginnger spice I am about to put in. Most distressing day, AND this is the fifth time I am text typing this!!!!! Every time my phone rings my words get completly deleted, or my cell malfunctions and sends it off too early, with the malfunctions showing! And, without a pc, I can not go into my site and delete the malfunctioned posting. Oh well, c'est la vie! I hope my answer will be of help. Thank you for your question and have a great day! Stay tuned for a riveting post. -SD Roads,

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Sat Aug 28th, 2010 2:49 PM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Disease News Update.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Disease News Update":

Hello! Can you tell me how i can register mail at google

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 28 August 2010 11:49

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Source from post immediately below continued:

From the beginning:, derived by me, SD, on 04/19/2006. I had seen it somewhere before that, as well. -SD Roads

Ode To JonBenét

This is from something else I came across tonight. It stemmed from a flyer.


Yesterday was the first day of school. I would have been in fifth grade this year. I always loved the first day, especially meeting my new teacher for the first time. On my first day of kindergarten, my new backpack was filled with brand new pencils and markers and my favorite lunch of a peanut butter sandwich with grape jelly.

I'm glad someone cared enough about finding my killer to send in a new tip to the Boulder Police. I hope it will help them find out who killed me. Until he is caught, everyone is in danger. Please don't stop looking for my killer.


If you have information that will help, please contact
P.O. Box 3608, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Or Email:

Paid for by V. Emery Photo (copyright)V. Emery"
This flyer had sparked contraversy and suspicion (That will be explained later.) I choose to see the goodness of it. -SD

Oh my goodness!

I am still up. I am working on something. I am happy because I just found my letter to the Ramseys when I share what special people they were, are. AND I found a letter by JillianJon! Sooo sweet. And, Shanathan and I met a very nice person tonight, who is a great conversationalist, as well. Plus something bad happened. Further, I found a ufo picture I had taken on December 16th, 2005, with proof! This is not the letter to you guys I wrote about below. I wrote another song tonight and with everything that has happened since I wrote that I will write to the readers here, I actually forgot the point of it. LoL It will come to me. ;) -SD

I'm not tucked in yet. LoL -SD ...

Friday, 20 August 2010


I have a very special letter to you all who visit this blog, coming soon. I want to write it tonight after my son is all tucked in... Perhaps later, just after I tuck myself in. :) It is a really busy day for me, today. But I would like to quickly give a thank you for all the wonderful comments here recently. They could not have come at a better time, this time of great loss for me. Thank you so much. That one where someone wrote that this site has gotten under their skin and for me to keep up the good work was so special and reminded me of Frank Sinatra. I just love the Frank Sinatra days! You all have given me an even greater sense of pride. Again, I thank you. More tonight. God Bless you all. We are all God's children. You are all special. -Shannon Marie, a.k.a. SD Roads

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Here's a headline for ya. I developed it toniight.

Santa Monica, CA Rebukes And Binds Arizona LoL It's Santa Monica Boycotts Arizona

And in other news, eggs are being recalled throughout the nation, due to salmonella outbreaks. Did you know that salmonella can be fingerprinted? Well, it can be. However, only certain types of the bacteria can be. Check out the nation wide recall on Fox News. Get the full scoop and more, including company names and lot numbers at -SD Roads

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Ooo An update. Bad girl! Bad girl! LoL Yeah right.....

Thank you so much for that compliment. WoW! -SD

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Wed Aug 18th, 2010 1:37 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Ooo An update. Bad girl! Bad girl! LoL Yeah right.....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ooo An update. Bad girl!
Bad girl! LoL Yeah right....":

[color=#a16cc4]Awesome post! thank you for sharing this information. really got under my
[/color] [url=]skin,[/url]
[color=#a16cc4]bookmarked... Keep up the good site...[/color]

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 17 August 2010 22:37

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

FW: Brandy comes clean about Kevin...

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Tue Aug 17th, 2010 4:00 PM EDT
Subject: Brandy comes clean about Kevin...

Hi Sd!

When I first became Kevin's producer a little over a year ago, I,
like others, was a little skeptical about who this man really was.
Between all the bad press, Wikipedia and what other outside
influences told me, I was unsure of who to trust. Nevertheless, I'm
always up for an adventure, so I wanted to meet this man and decide
for myself whether he was a "snake oil salesman" or a truly caring

It only took a couple weeks to realize that no one in the press or
watching the press truly know what they are talking about. Not only
do they fabricate stories, but find every possible negative thing
they can to make a story out of! I read every single story
published about Kevin and have a hard time not writing each and
every columnist to set them straight. I know you feel the same way.
You've proved that.

After a year of working closely with him, I thought I really knew
who he was. It wasn't until I spent 3 weeks working with him in
Europe, where I was on the clock 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
that I found out what Kevin is really all about. He tells you on a
weekly basis that he cares, "but not that much." However, I am
telling you from personal experience, he cares about you more than
you can possibly imagine. I promise you, he does not need to do
this radio show, but he does... for you. I have never met someone
who works as much as he does. While everyone else is sitting around
enjoying their free time after work or on the weekend, he is still
working hard to find ways to educate and help you as a person.

The press portrays him as a crook and someone who is just
constantly trying to sell you something. The only reason why they
think that is because he's so passionate about what he believes in.
You should see his bathroom! There isn't a nonorganic product in
there! I mean, he travels with all of these products! I've never
met someone who travels with so many bags of vitamins and
supplements. Trust me. He wouldn't sell you something he didn't
believe in or use on a daily basis. You know when you really love a
product and you go out of your way to tell all of your friends and
family about it? You're his family. He tells you about these
products because he cares about you and wants you to live the same
blissful life he does.

The amount of knowledge he has is unbelievable. Honestly, that part
surprised me the most about this trip. The information he revealed
to me and the people I met who gave us information, was out of this
world. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He still has SO much
to tell you. Don't let him quit this radio show. Not only because
then I'll be out of a job, but because there is SO much he hasn't
told you yet. I heard about things on this trip that the government
REALLY doesn't want anyone to know about. This man knows things
that would have you hiding in bunkers!

I have been blessed learning the things that I have from Kevin and
I don't want it to end for you because he has an endless quantity
of information he still has to share with you.

Click here to show Kevin your support.

It's not like he's asking for much. Anyone can give up $5 to show
their support. I know you can. It's not about the money; it's about
the number of people who show they truly care. Show Kevin how much
YOU really care...

And tomorrow I'll reveal even more about my time with Kevin in


Donate to Kevin's Legal Defense Fund

KT Radio Network, 28 E. Jackson, Building #10-A940, Chicago, IL 60604, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

To Rule

Certain things within the government are designed to fail. But praise the Lord that God's reign is never failing. -SD Roads

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on FW: the radio show is in trouble.

Ummm Thank you for your comment? I don't know if you are using those words like a wise Chinese proverb on a fortune cookie, or not. LoL Well, I am necessary, to my family, and that is what I care about the most. Being necessary to someone, as you say, is something that just happens naturally. It is not something you can force. And that is my commentary. Have a great day. -SD Roads

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Tue Aug 17th, 2010 7:48 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on FW: the radio show is in trouble.

翊翊翊翊張瑜翊翊翊 has left a new comment on your post "FW: the radio
show is in trouble":

Make yourself necessary to

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by 翊翊翊翊張瑜翊翊翊 to Who really knows Anyone... or
anything?!....A Measure of Protection! at 17 August 2010 04:48

FW: the radio show is in trouble

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Mon Aug 16th, 2010 12:44 PM EDT
Subject: the radio show is in trouble


As I write this, the government has a huge team working full-time
to get me in jail! I believe the government wants to ban my books,
stop the radio show, and get me banned for life from TV, radio and
the internet. The government knows that millions listen to the
information I share. They want me stopped from revealing the truth
about government and corporate corruption. They do not want you to
know the truth about non-drug and non-surgical ways to cure and
prevent disease. They do not want you to know how the government,
media, and corporations are controlling you in all aspects of your
life. I need your support.

Please help me fight. Please support my legal defense fund.

I will be on trial soon fighting for my freedom. The legal costs
have been in the millions. This new trial will probably cost me
another million or more! Please click here to make a donation of
any amount to my legal defense fund.

Remember what this case is about. I wrote the Weight Loss Cure
book. I quoted it on TV. Over 5 million people bought the book. The
government says I misrepresented the contents of the book yet no
one complained to the FTC! There are no "victims". The people who
bought the book overwhelmingly said they loved the book! People
thank me for writing and selling the book! This case is smoke and
mirrors. The government wants me in jail for writing the book and
quoting it on TV. And they, in effect, fined me 37 million dollars!
This is an outrage!

Please support my legal defense fund now. I need your help and
support. All your donations go directly to pay for legal expenses.
Any amount will help no matter how small. Donate now by clicking


KT Radio Network, 28 E. Jackson, Building #10-A940, Chicago, IL 60604, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, 15 August 2010

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on More On Van der Sloot, And The Similarities And/Or....

Thank you for your input, Mr. Rag. Nice name. Did you create it? Have a great day. -SD Roads

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Sun Aug 15th, 2010 1:55 PM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on More On Van der Sloot, And The Similarities And/Or....

Harry Rag has left a new comment on your post "More On Van der Sloot,
And The Similarities And/Or...":

Anne Bremner has vigorously campaigned for the release of Amanda Knox -
a sadistic sex killer. She has repeatedly misled the media and the
public with a number of false claims.

She may be able to suppress the truth about what happened when she was
arrested by blocking the release of the investigative reports and video.

However, she won't be able to suppress the truth about Amanda Knox. The
English translation of Judge Massei's report can be downloaded from

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Harry Rag to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 15 August 2010 10:55

Saturday, 14 August 2010

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Thanxx for Google-ing me this afternoon. Stop by a....

Thank you for your comment. Yes, I am guessing it is possible. ;) What's your link?... Is this who I think it is, by the way? If not, thanxx so much anyway. If you would like to private message me with your link, first, that is fine. It is better that way, actually. Please contact me at -SD Roads

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Sat Aug 14th, 2010 2:30 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Thanxx for Google-ing me this afternoon. Stop by a....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Thanxx for Google-ing me
this afternoon. Stop by a...":

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 13 August 2010 23:30

Friday, 13 August 2010

Sqwaking Points

With respect to the John Mark Karr case, particularly the latest devs., what came first? The chicken or the egg? -SD

dot gov

The government is starting to behave like the Nazis, I feel. For the issue of safety I will not disclose which government. And that is my commentary. -SD Roads

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Disease News Update.

Thank you for your comment, Anonymous. I am not sure I understand because I am not on my site at this moment, and can not view the article. Feel free to write in anytime. Or, write to me at I have not been by a computer in some time, and can not pick up my GMail account from my cell these days. -SD

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Thu Aug 12th, 2010 5:04 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Disease News Update.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Disease News Update":

I am sorry, that has interfered... At me a similar situation. Write
here or in PM.

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 12 August 2010 02:04

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Disease/Infection News Update from News-Medical.Ne....

Oh you're welcome, Anonymous. Glad this site helped by leading you to that information. Feel free to leave your first name in your comments, y'all. Or, at least, leave a screen name. Otherwise, I get all of my Anonymouses confused. ha ha Just kidding. But I would love to see your names. But I think this Anonymous is the same as the last one. ;) And to all you newcomers, please click on the link "older posts", near the middle of this large web page. Thank you. And thanxx for stopping by. -SD Roads

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Thu Aug 12th, 2010 9:57 AM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Disease/Infection News Update from News-Medical.Ne....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Disease/Infection News
Update from News-Medical.Ne...":

Many thanks for an explanation, now I will know.

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 12 August 2010 06:57

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

FW: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Ooo An update. Bad girl! Bad girl! LoL Yeah right.....

Thank you very much Anonymous. I appreciate that. I am going to think about starting up my self updating health news stories. They are pooled from somewhere and take up a lot of space here, but well worth it. Many different great writers stream in. Well, I am glad you were able to read an article that stood out to you, here, at my web log. Have a great day!! -SD Roads, Administrator

----Forwarded Message----
Sent: Tue Aug 10th, 2010 1:23 PM EDT
Subject: [Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A Measure of Protection!] New comment on Ooo An update. Bad girl! Bad girl! LoL Yeah right.....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ooo An update. Bad girl!
Bad girl! LoL Yeah right....":

[color=#a16cc4]Interesting web site! I haven't bumped on before in my searches!I found very useful
information about
[/color] [url=]cosmetics[/url]
[color=#a16cc4]here... Keep up the good work![/color]

Moderate comments for this blog:

Posted by Anonymous to Who really knows Anyone... or anything?!....A
Measure of Protection! at 10 August 2010 10:23

Sunday, 1 August 2010

To Put

I am putting on the borders to some of my artwork now, making them suitable for framing. I am most delighted about it! I hope you are all having a good night, or day, depending on where you are. ^*^ -SD

To Be, Or Not

Don't be like sheep to the slaughter, my friends. -SDRoads