Monday, 31 May 2010

Good ole Mickey!

A wartime movie with Mickey Rooney on Memorial Day! It doesn't get much better than 'this'. :) Love ya Mickey! -SD

To Request

I hereby respectfully request all radio personalities, reporters, other people's attornies, and journalists to stop contacting me, in any way. Thank you for your cooperation. -SD a.k.a. Shannon Addendum: I WANT THE EXCLUSIVE WITH HIM.

It is Memorial Day.

Time to remember, and treasure, and cry, and smile. Through the range of emotions, have a memorable one. -SD

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Happy Memorial Day Eve!!!!!!!! -SD


Saturday, 29 May 2010

Thatz my girl!!!!!!!!!!!! -SD

Amazin'. Simply amazin', y'all. -SD

What a day!! -SD


The one you love is closer than you think.
I read my daily fortune cookie!
Lucky Numbers:53 26 99 40

Your Horoscope

(choose a different sign) Your Daily Horoscope
The tide will start to ebb today just after it reaches its highest point. There is a pause now, Scorpio, and you'll find that things are about to pick up considerably again. The shift that's happening within you is profound. Even though you may not notice its effects all at once, you should trust that things will be coming your way as the weeks go by.

Sd Roads You don't know just how true this was for me today, and you would be amazed if I told you the story. OMGosh -SD

The one you love is closer than you think.
I read my daily fortune cookie!
Lucky Numbers:53 26 99 40

Thank you, facebook. -SD

R.I.P. Gary Coleman

You were a sweetheart. Still are. I will miss you. -SD and fam

Hi ya Nuri.

Hey, I hope everyone is having a great day!!! -SD

To Be Concerned

Hi y'all. I hope you are all having a great weekend!! Due to a recent email I received, along with 2 others, I would like to make the following announcement: I, Shannon, a.k.a. SD (and SDRoads) only write on the internet at the following sites. Here, and at my dash board connected blog of mycrptogram2, along with myspace and facebook, as yours truly, phonefling as Happie, and I now only post pictures at fotochatter as Chatta. I do not write at any other message boards or chat rooms. In the past I did leave a couple of messages/comments at J's W Slueths before I got canned for a non valid reason over 2 years ago. I recall leaving a couple somewhere else, but the site name escapes me. I used to write at John Mark Karr's forum before he canned me. I do not know of any other posts. I am a bit mad. -SD

Thursday, 27 May 2010

To Pay Respect

R.I.P. Art Linkletter. You were a solid and good man. Love, The Roads Family.

A Nice Day!!! - Family News

Today is a graduation day for me for a certificate I have earned. It's a picture week. Pictures to come here, soon. Some are already up at me facebook account. Tomorrow is a furlough day. 4 day weekend! Can't say enough about Memorial Day. Good times! And no breathing problem for me today, AND I went for a run. Right on! I just got to work in the kitchen of this elementary school. Guest appearance, you know. ha ha I felt just like that British guy on the tele who serves up healthy foods for the kids. LoL I am even in gear! Got me leatha jacket on. Punked out. The Brit in me has got a' English theme goin' on for servin' up sausage rolls for the graduation party. ... Par' eh in Brit. ;) -Me

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

I'm here at the Marriott.

And I was like darn it! I KNOW I spelled Marriott wrong earlier. LoL Well, off to the Grand Ballroom. -SD

A Sweet Day

Today, all the children of the elementary school went on a tour of every classroom to see how each was decorated for Open House. So sweet!! Tonight, I get to attend a wonderful banquet business and appreciation dinner. It is a real business meeting that will occur during the dinner, but with thanks put in, for all the hard work we have done over this past school year. I made a joke at facebook that I hope the Marriot and its banquet hall will be as decked out as I will. LoL My friends are driving me and will enjoy some of the scenery and luxuries of the area while waiting for the banquet to finish, so they can drive me home. How sweet!!! And the writer in me knows I could have written this even better, but I have to dash. ;) Have a great night, y'all. -SD

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


--- On Wed, 5/26/10,  wrote:

From: Subject:
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 2:24 AM

This message was sent from a T-Mobile wireless phone.

A Special Event

At my youngest son's Open House early. Volunteering at the tables, seeing his class for the many displays, and having a great time!! -SD

Me and my, well, you can see below. :) -SD

Image from the SDR Files

It's au Revoir to a great tv personality.

We are in the final four of The Tyra Show. It has been a fun and informative, as well as, sweet, 5 years! A big thanxx to Tyra Banks. Her final show airs this Friday. Check your local listings for times. And, click on the title of this post for a great link. 'Be fierce, y'all! Peace' -SDRoads

Sunday, 23 May 2010


What has Obama just done¿ -SD

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning Cartoons with my Shanathan, and oatmeal!! YaaY! Actually, Hannah Montanna is on. Then The Suite Life of Zach and Cody. Like I said before on this site, my, how Saturday mornings have changed! But, still lovin it!! Shanathan loves that I watch them with him. Awww HAPPY SATURDAY EVERYONE!!! -SD

Thursday, 20 May 2010

I want all the Japanese porno site people who have been writing in here in the comments section to...

not only stop, based on what you are doing, but, also to consider this. You are trying to expose links, your links, to people that read my blog. Some of the people could be children. I do not, and will not, post pornographic links, your pornographic links, or anyone's pornographic links, EVER!!!!!! If you continue to try I will track you down through Google and find out all of your screen names, and report you to not only Google, but also, to the proper authorities. This is to the point of harassment. This is a family website. This site brings me joy. It is based on solid Christian principles. I will not compromise for you and your gang, or whatever you are, apparently from Japan, to get your kicks and free advertising for your pornography here at my site. Have a good day. -SDRoads, Administrator

A plus tard mon ami J.

J, you have been a good friend to know. Thank you for the time spent. I will see you in October. Be safe. I loved all the laughs we had. I will write Ablow a thank you for you. You did so much for me. Thanxx. Love, Shannon

venez m aider venez m aider venez m aider

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

It is said Marilyn Monroe has a book coming out, the Estate of Marilyn, that is.

But what a lot of people do not know is that she already has a book out, and it can be found at many public libraries. -SD

So, I guess the cat is out of the bag.

So, I decided to go through with it. I decided to send John Mark Karr a message through his facebook account under Alexis Reich again. I let him know that I want to interview him. ... finally let him know. I held off when I first contacted him a couple of years ago because his fiancee was with him and we all became a bit friendly with one another and I normally don't try to put the moves on a friend, if you know what I mean. Professional I want an interview barracuda moves, that is. haha Now, I have other people contacting me about JMK, right down to a radio show wanting to do an interview with him, as Alexis Reich. I had even been asked to do an interview, if you will. Not a formal one, just a fly by night question and answer round by a local t.v. news station. I was very apprehensive. Had to make a few phone calls first, to some bigwigs, and to some coolwigs. Hmmm I do not know how authentic the radio show invitation is, but I let him know through the Alexis facebook account, as well. And I am still a bit perturbed everytime I see KCal9. uuuggh! But, I made my peace. Let people think and say what they want. They truth is the truth! And, moreover, GOD KNOWS the truth, the whole truth. And I'm good with that. ;) You know, now that I think about it, the word perturbed I used above is not 100 percent accurate, but a close second. LoL -SD

Hi Big Brother.

Just wondering if you heard everytime I used the bathroom for purposes I would rather not publicly mention SINCE MY CELL PHONE HAS A MICROPHONE!!!! Hmph -SD


It's Tuesday!!! :) -SD

Monday, 17 May 2010

A Big Thank You!

Hi. I can t log in to this blog from my cell. I therefore can t check updates or comments, etc. So, this is the only way to touch base with someone. I want to say thank you for following me here, at my blog, to my latest. That is sweet. And thanxx again to my first. It means a lot. And to my latest follower here, I hope all of your dreams come true in your writing endeavors. K.I.T. through my roadssd@yahoo account. Love, SD

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Shanathan s playin outside.

Me? I m wearin my favorite blue jeans, cleanin house, belting out Hannah Montana s Best Of Both Worlds. Yep, y all, I luuuve me some Miley! ;) -SD

Saturday, 15 May 2010

At a big school event now.

And yesterday, the fair. Met a great band and had a blast on the mini roller coaster. LoL I m hoping to promote that amazin and moving band. -SD

Friday, 14 May 2010

I hope you all have a great weekend!!!

I will be busy as a bee. Play dates for Shanathan, organizing the place, making my special pancakes for Saturday Morning Cartoons, church. But I will take time to smell the roses. ;) -SD
image from

Thursday, 13 May 2010

For all you regulars...

Please don't forget to check out our constantly self updating CNN news stories along the sidebar, to the right. Further, please check out our information regarding protecting and rescuing abducted children, also along the sidebar. Thank you. And thanxx again, for stopping by. To the newcomers, and regulars, alike, welcome. Have a sweet day, or night, depending on when you are reading this! -SDRoads, Administrator

Monday, 10 May 2010

R.I.P. Lena Horne

You were, are, a great! Love, SD and Family

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Calling all fire trucks! Calling all fire trucks!

Hi y all. I just posted some of the following at my facebook account: Shanathan and I are heading down now to a fire department. Many are giving free tours to all interested as a community event. Fun! I found out near last minute and have been spreading the word. One hitch. This event cuts into my last two days of my monstrous moving adventure. Gotta work double time when I get back. On a brighter note, I am loving the balcony of my new place. I can t wait to get all settled in and relax n enjoy the view. :) -SD

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Why am I getting this??? -SD

Publish Reject 1 – 3 of 3
驚悚故事分享,晚上別看哦食人計程車司機偶遇恐怖電影生存指南 (BennieS雅嘉玲筑) 4/23/10
I had realized the other day... (1)
成功多屬於那些很快做出決定,卻又不輕易變更的人。而失敗也經常屬於那些很難做出決定,卻又經常變更的人 ... (香君) 4/29/10
Oh. One more thing on that. Those that thought the... (1)
sex女,ut,貼影,av,高潮,女優,做愛,手機成人影片,色遊戲,成人動漫,百分百貼圖區,85cc... (SungR_Auclair0佳亦) 5/4/10

Publish Reject

1 – 3 of 3
Select: All, None


Publish Reject 1 - 3 of 3
Story minute surprise 悚 Susumu, teaching survival horror Film Machine Judiciary 偶遇 about cars by gauge nurses who 晚上 哦食 (BennieS architectural Masashi Yoshimi 玲) 4/23/10
I had realized the other day ... (1)
很快 做出 那些 decision 屬於 many successful people and non 輕易 卻又 變更.很難 做出 那些 decision 屬於 也經 always a point in failure, and who 經常 變更 卻又 ... (your nose) 4/29/10
Oh. One more thing on that. Those that thought the ... (1)
Female sex, ut, shadow pasting, av, high tides, actress, 做愛 piece machine adult hand shadows, color 遊戲, adult pride movement, hundreds centigrade 圖區 pasting, 85cc ... (SungR_Auclair0 also good), 5/4/10

Publish Reject

Makin it!

On the platform now. Just left the business meeting early, with permission, to attend my son s award ceremony. I am wearing his previous medal as he is. I also have a mini pinata for him as a surprise. HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO EVERYONE!! -SD

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Congrats Shanathan!!

I am so proud of you!! -Mommy | My son will be recieving two medals tomorrow morning. -SD

Oh. One more thing on that. Those that thought they knew...

really didn't. So, I really have a great name for this web log. It is even better than the original. -SD

Well, as I just mentioned over at my facebook account...

my work is done. This, with respect to a certain topic. I won't be workin' that anymore. No more need to. That's a good thing. It is over. But I feel there is so much left unsaid by the masses. -SDRoads, A.X.

Good mornin y all!

Wexford Karr, a friend of mine, were talking just a bit ago. Something came up the other day. Moreover, a lot of things have been coming up, lately. Well, I asked him, Do you still want to be friends? He responded with a hearty, warm, quick chuckle and asked a resounding, Well why not? So, we are still good friends. Hooray!! We have to be, anyway. We have plans. Some pending, some not. It will be nice. Thanxx Wex! Thanxx for the friendship. We always have a blast of a time, eh? More on our plans later. :) Have a great day, y all! -SD