Saturday, 30 May 2009

Fwd: Google Alert - JonBenet

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Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 18:15:15 +0000
Subject: Google Alert - JonBenet

Google Blogs Alert for: JonBenet

JonBenet Ramsey Home For Sale / Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Southern ...
Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Southern Colorado, Breaking News, News,
Weather, School Closings, Traffic from KKTV 11 News.
KKTV - HomePage - Headlines -

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Fwd: Google Alert - JonBenet

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Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 15:31:11 +0000
Subject: Google Alert - JonBenet

Google News Alert for: JonBenet

JonBenet Ramsey home for sale for $2.29 million - Grand Junction,CO,USA
(AP) - The house where the body of JonBenet Ramsey was found more than
12 years ago is for sale again. The 7240-square-foot house in Boulder
is listed for ...

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The Dance

I got my Reunion/40th Birthday Bash dance afterall. It happened last night. While it came a week late, it was beautiful none the less. :) ;) *SD

The Mail

Well, word came in. Some good news for me. Some not-so-good news for California, with respect to its politics. It grandly appears that, and if speculation of mine being correct, all of the budget crises for California appears to be propaganda. I correct myself; not all. But, the bottom line leads to this question: Was it propaganda on behalf of the bigwigs? I have briefly interviewed 2 people today about this. Forgive me for not having exact details and quotes. I was without some of my tools of the trade; paper and pen... cil. LoL The gist is (...or with out my dictionary, for that matter~ double LoL) it all boils down to what people, namely politicians, some, I might add, want... And what they will do to get what the want, in the form of initiatives and propositions, etc., along with the vote for the next time they run (Yeah, right~ The words "dead in the water" had just come to one gentleman I am interviewing now.) In conclusion, this reminds me of the JonBenet Ramsey case with respect to the "politics" of the agencies involved in the case, along with the issues of the media. It is amazing what the media will report, fully knowing what is being reported on just may be propaganda. Maybe we will have the chance at an enjoyable summer after all. He¿l, most of us work hard enough to deserve that bit of reprieve. (And, YES, I wrote "reprieve". Deeper meaning there.) I know I do! I really NEED a break! And that is my commentary. *SDRoads

Friday, 29 May 2009

Oh America

Oh AMERICA, with your GRAND OLD FLAG, and all those whom long to reside, ANCHORS AWEIGH. For AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL awaits. And for both citizens and those whom want to transform into citizens alike, THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND. May GOD BLESS AMERICA! And, ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, keep fighting for what is right, while on your AMERICAN PATROL. For there will be JOY TO THE WORLD! And, in the meantime, wave your STAR SPANGLED BANNERs. And I shall, too. For America, YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE, HOME SWEET HOME. *SDRoads


Home of the free? Not so much, but thank God for the good we do have, and the bad we don*t. *SDRoads

A Dire Situation

Now, even those in highschool, along with the before metioned elementary school kids and college students, are being jilted out of summerschool... and their self navigated futures. *SDRoads, reporting

Jay Lenno*s Number*s Up

But in a good way. He is ending his show 'without a tear'. Bon Voyage Jay! *SD

Thursday, 28 May 2009

As you can see,

I AM P'D OFF! And consumed with worry, grief, an uneasiness, to say the least, along being infiltrated with elements of shock and disbelieve. That is all part of the reason I want to go off air, if you will, for a time. I am determined to not go under! You can take that to the bank! *SD, out

Oh, and by the way

Summer session for even MY COLLEGE, has been obliterated! At least it only affects the second half. Do the math on that one. *SD

This California Summer

MORE PROBLEMS CALIFORNIANS FACE. There will be no summerschool offered in many, and possibly even all, schools, due to BUDGET CUTS. A woman I spoke to, whom works diligently in the afterschool program, stated that she doesn*t know what the parents are going to do. Their children will have to be outside, in the streets, she stated, as they work 2 to 3 jobs or more, per household, just to keep a roof over the family*s heads and food on the table, I added. This will affect only middle schools and over 250,000 children. An official said, it is a sad day for families. *SDRoads, reporting

And again...

All of a sudden it was back to the original news. Uuuggh! You know, California should be declared in a state of emergency. I mean, if all these other states are doing o.k, why can*t they help us? Just a fleeting thought, not pressing ... yet. *SDRoads P.S. Another thought: How many millions do the Lakers make?? Why can*t we help ourselves? *SD

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Here we go again!

Well, our local news is on. Yet again, the latest is creating more confusion and nervous stomachs, in the economic department. Good going to Californian officials and the media! Your agenda met. I*m not AS worried and concerned after I researched and interviewed some individuals in the know. As I mentioned below, I will be submitting my report. As one woman just said, this can affect EVERYONE in California. Ship out, or stick by my state, my land I reside in, and weather the storm? Is it a question of patriotism? *SDRoads, who-can*t-seem-to-stop reporting


Please realize, that for continuity in reading these posts, one must read them in reverse order, if you will. Notice that the latest post is first, while the post that leads up to that post is just beneath it. This happens over and over again. It is the design of the blogging company, a feature I can not change, unlike other things, such as with set templates... I can tweak those. hehehe ; ) Happy reading, and thanxx for visiting my site. -SDRoads

Oh, yeah...

And I decided to run for VP after all. F*&k the impending doom, (excuse my non-language) I am going to act as if, and do what I want anyway. For, if things turn around for the good, I WILL be able to run and fulfill that position! : ) -SD

Oohhh, I'm just itchin' to report the latest news!

But I won't. I am still upset. Hey! I'm an amateur reporter, I can get away with that. LoL ; ) But, the latest news IS good. I have been doing a lot of researching and interviewing lately. Man, the people are confused for there are sooo many different stories out there pertaining to what is happening to California and its inhabitants. I, as I just wrote, am still very upset, along with shocked just a bit and a pinch, for nothing truly surprises me anymore these days. So, I still want to be off air, so to speak, for a bit longer. I really won't fully know what is to become of me and my family until July 1st, of this year. That fact really sucks, excuse my language, for to think of all of the hard work I have been doing: all the weeks over working over 40 hours per week, not so easily, mind you, and this is the thanxx I get! But, hark! Good news awaits. I have done soooo much research and interviewing over the last few days, along with doing some what-seems-to-be spontaneous crying, and I stress seems-to-be, that I believe I have been able to unravel some of the mystery and strife California has been facing as of late. I will be submitting my report here... though I am off air. ; ) -SD I ain't gonna give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Fwd: Google Alert - JonBenet

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From: Google Alerts <>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 07:14:22 +0000
Subject: Google Alert - JonBenet

Google News Alert for: JonBenet

Ken Clark
Ken Clark
Fox 31 - Denver,CO,USA
Over the course of my career in Denver I would say the JonBenet case
has been the most interesting. I was working in Denver at a talk radio
station when it ...

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Monday, 25 May 2009

Oh yeah, one last thing.

I like to keep the t.v. on while I clean the house, apartment, rather... Better yet, home. A commercial came on a bit ago for government college grants, as well as loans. LoL It makes me wonder if my friend was right: All of this news about the budget cuts, you know, those severe ones that Californians are facing, is just put out there to scare people. He further feels, "They can*t do that.", meaning that they can't just up and take from people like that where it could put people in danger. I feel they caaan. And, now I have learned my dad feels the same way as my friend. We shall all see. I am hoping for the best... And a miracle. It could happen. *SD P.S. I think the website that was promoted in that commercial that I just mentioned is By the way, the man on the news just said, "...everyone has to go back to work tomorrow." With this economy and world the way they are, some don*t have the day off. Some absolutely can*t, given their profession they have chosen. So, thank you to all whom work today, all to whom duty calls. AND A GREAT BIG THANK YOU, ON THIS MEMORIAL DAY, 2009, TO ALL WHOM DIED FOR OUR COUNTRY, FOR US, FOR OUR FUTURES. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, BRAVE SOULS. I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN, JUST THROWN OF WITH ECONOMIC AND MEDICAL STRIFE. Sincerely, SDRoads

This post updated on May 27th, at approximately 3:12 p.m. -SD
The updated text in bold.


Well, it is Holidaytime. I am sorry I didn*t post my usual celebratory holiday eve greeting. I, as you will, or have seen, have been hit most hard economically, as well as medically, as of late. Literally, I am just waiting for the next blow. My dreams, hopes, and aspirations have been shattered. I am referring to ALL of my dreams and goals, at this point, for the other dreams that were not directly impacted are now being affected through a trickle down. I have been through this before, under different circumstances, and will get through it again. Only, this time, it will take A LOT longer to bounce back. I literally do not know what is going to happen to me and my family. It is somewhat, and I do mean somewhat, surreal. I feel like I am in the movie Gone With The Wind, with a different situation, when all I really want is to feel like I am in The Wizard Of Oz, in the scene where Dorothy goes to the safety and comfort of home. "There*s no place like home. There*s no place like home." I feel like if the government had known, and that*s a big "if", that this was going to happen to Californians, they should have given us more than A 30 DAY NOTICE! I write 30 days because after the initial shock of the blows, one would have approximately 30 days left before the sh¿t hits the fan. So brace yourself California. California has been hit uniquely hard. And those blows are going to affect over half of the state, many of them being innocent children. Is this due to bad planning and wasteful spending, on behalf of our government officials? Is this due to all the regularly raised salaries of Californian officials? This while our rents are regularly raised, along with everything else. Even if their salaries were not regularly raised, which I doubt, they still were getting overpaid, in my book. You know, it is to the point I don*t even want to vote anymore. I have a voice unheard. But, I won*t allow that to happen; for them to silence me and downtrod on me to the point I will even be too oppressed, tired, weak, hungry, and spit upon, to not make it to the polls. AMERICA IS A GREAT PLACE TO BE, AND WE ARE BLESSED TO BE HERE! It is just a few of these officials that have been running this great state that I am not so sure about. Have they been running us like cattle down to Sheol? As God as my witness, I will bounce back from this! I have missed so much recently, due the latest news, along with medically, what felt like, being on the butcher*s table the other day, due MY health insurance, Medi-Cal. A lot of what has happened to me physically, was due to my medical care, or dare I say, lack of it, through the boney hands of Medi-Cal health insurance, provided by the state and Anthem. And, it gets to the point you get so weak physically, it is hard to even stand up again, literally. This, letting alone the fact the average Californian must burn the midnight oil, so to speak, to even put food on the table, not to mention keeping a roof over the family*s head by paying exuberant, never reaching a limit, rents and mortgages. Yeah, mortgages, too! One day I*ll post the long mathematical formula that shows even homeowners are getting financially raped. AND THE POWERS THAT BE OF CALIFORNIA ALLOW FOR THAT!!! I promise to post that formula, along with detailed analysis and fact. I just don*t know when I will be doing it. I am going off air for awhile. I do not know for how long. As long as it takes to bounce back from this devastating chaos. I think the powers that be of California should take a long hard look in the mirror before depositing their salaries and making that next mortgage payment. Actually, I feel ALL officials of America should do that. This reminds me of genocide. Yeah, Obama, for his campaign, had a bleeding heart for the genocide victims of ANOTHER COUNTRY. And that is great, I just hope he realizes what all is happening here. I have already missed enough recently, due this slaughtering... my high school reunion\40th Birthday Bash, my Memorial Day picnic, heck, even my financial crises workshop, put on by our local assemblyman. (chuckle) I shall miss no more! Maybe the officials should do what ABC 7*s Susan Lucci did. She cut back on her salary to help spread the wealth. In this day and age, perhaps every age, it is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What is it they say? There is no more middle class? Down with the fashion shows of the likes of the Obama girls, toting their overpriced clothing, while other American children are in rags, many through no fault of their parents, and, rather obviously, not of their own. What happened to the days of people going to an event and getting dressed for the occasion, AND NOT LEAVING THE PRICE TAG ON?! God Bless California! And God Bless America! Wait, God Bless the World! Down with greed and hungriness of power! We are ALL equal in the eyes of God. And, through Him, we ALL have a voice! In his heart, there is no class system. God Bless God!! By the way, "the money runs out in July" for California. Again, brace yourself, no matter who you are, what you do, or what class you are in. First it happened to the teachers, then to the gay and lesbian community, and now, to 2/3rds, roughly, of the general population. If you are a resident of California, get ready. It is going to get worse before it gets better... far worse. And that is my commentary. *SDRoads Oh, and Happy Memorial Day, y*all! *SD, signing off

This post slightly updated as of May 27th, 2009, at approximately 3:26 p.m. -SD

Friday, 22 May 2009

California Struck

The state hit hard with devastating blows that produce, not the trickle down affect, but IMMEDIATE results. And let me tell ya, it aint easy. To recoup from this, may just put me in a dangerous position. Yesterday, while seeking healthcare, I got brutally devastating news, not long before I was, what seemed to be, brutally worked on. Then, the next morning, I woke up to more devastating news. Californians are being obliterated, one by one; my (ooopps, Freudian slip) their hopes, their dreams, their health, their education, their futures. Riots may break out later today. There is a rally scheduled. *SDRoads, reporting

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Mr. Trump Is For America!

In this day, when you hear and see so many campaigning for themselves, politically, it sure is nice to see someone campaigning for Americans! Mr. Trump does just that. He cares about people, and not only those in America. He cares about everyone, everywhere. And it really shows. So amongst all the campaigning I have been witnessing, and supporting, over the last year, I'd just like to say, Go Trump!!! According to James Bonanno of North Carolina, Mr. Trump wants to make people "healthier and wealthier". This is wonderful, since, according to Mr. Bonanno, Mr. Trump wants to help people because "the economy is really bad and people are struggling". I am on board with that idea. God luck to and God Bless Mr. Trump! -SDRoads
For more information, click on the web address immediately below to view one of Mr. Trump's websites:

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

About to attend a TowneHall Meeting

Cell phone off. I*ll get pictures. *SD

I guess I am not as "so done with politics" as I thought. LoL -SD

reaction to my own qoute on facebook

From my mail, to you. -SD

"Buck the System!
Dear Friends,

I’m ready to buck a political system that has left our state nearly bankrupt.

But I know one voter can’t do it alone. One political leader can’t do it alone. And one campaign certainly can’t do it the old way – by relying on a handful of special-interest contributions.

Buck the System
That’s why I am asking you to help me buck the failed California political system by giving $5 right now to help change California.
By joining us today, you will help us run the kind of campaign that will do more than win one election. You will help us finally win the important policy victories that will move California forward.

If we unite by the thousands, we will have the power to set a new direction for California.

If you share my vision for universal health care, for real support of our schools and colleges, for protecting our environment and for jumpstarting our economy – then please help me Buck the System by joining us today.

As Mayor of San Francisco, I know a little bit about how to get things done – even in tough times. I’m proud that San Francisco is the only city in America implementing universal health care. Working with a broad coalition of environmental groups, we are making our city a national leader in renewable energy and environmental stewardship. We’re using sound fiscal practices to protect our schools. And we are creating tens of thousands of new high-wage jobs with smart economic policies.

Much of our local success rests on our ability to organize thousands of supporters for these bold policies. We could overcome the political resistance to change because we stood strong together.

I know it will take the same kind of bottom-up approach to make change in Sacramento. That’s why we are already organizing grassroots support in every corner of California. And that’s why I’m asking you for your help.

It is going to take tens of thousands of Californians like you and me to make change in Sacramento. And I would be honored to work with you to Buck the System.

I hope you will join our growing grassroots army today by becoming a $5 member of our campaign.


Gavin Newsom
P.S. If you would like to learn more about our campaign, sign up for email updates or join over 450,000 supporters on Facebook and Twitter!
If you would no longer like to receive emails from Newsom for California,
please click here to unsubscribe.
Paid for by Newsom for California Committee - Governor 2010. FPPC #1308175
4104 24th Street, #766 San Francisco, CA 94114"


"Newsom for California to me
show details May 18 (2 days ago) Reply

Dear Shannon,

Thank you very much for the email. Mayor Newsom appreciates your support for his candidacy for Governor. We all agree that it’s time for a new direction in California. Please also join Mayor Newsom on Facebook and Twitter so you can always have the most up-to-date information on upcoming events and important announcements.

Best wishes,

Newsom for California"

photo of Mr. Gavin Newsom from

Fwd: Google Alert - SD

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From: Google Alerts <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2009 at 2:52 AM
Subject: Google Alert - SD

Google Blogs Alert for: SD

Navy helicopter with 5 aboard crashes off SD coast - Kansas City Star
The Coast Guard says a Navy helicopter with five people aboard has crashed into the ocean 13 miles south of San Diego near the Coronado Islands.
Kansas City Star: Front Page -
Navy Helicopter With 5 Aboard Crashes Off SD Coast - Detroit Local ...
SAN DIEGO -- The Coast Guard says a Navy helicopter with five people aboard has crashed into the ocean 13 miles south of San Diego near the Coronado Islands. Wednesday, May 20, 2009. - National... -
Writerly Thoughts and Half-thoughts: Space Trilogy & Current Status
I'm still sticking to my goal of finishing The Restored by the end of it, even though I haven't done any work on it for nearly two weeks, compliments of my mother. (Yes, I'm venting. There.) S.D.. Posted by S.D. at Tuesday, May 19, 2009 ...
Writerly Thoughts and Half-thoughts -
Should I Trade Chris Young (sd-p), Dave Bush, Brad Penny And Jason ...
By admin
It is a 10 v 10 head to head league where theres some nice pitchers on FA such as Chuck James, Anthony Reyes, Joel Zumaya, Chad billingsley, Oliver Perez,
Love asked knowledge -

 This as-it-happens Google Alert is brought to you by Google.

It Is Finally Here!

Today is the day that the issue of the newspaper, I had previously mentioned I was going to be in, came out. I just got a chance to sit down and read the article. It is short, but good. I am in there as a quoted guest of a guest speaker that visited our college. There are absolutely no pictures of the event, though the photographer was clicking left and right. Still, it is a good article overall. A professor of another college, and professional in the world of counseling and stress management, gave a PowerPoint presentation at a luncheon put on by the school I attend. She focused on stress reducing tools and activities to help reduce the stress of today's college student. My quote? Later. ; ) Back to lab work for me. -SD

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Trutanich came in at 52 percent. Weiss came in at 48. It was a tight race. YaaY Trutanich! *SD


ITZ ON! Fox 11 *SD

Here is that announcement I mentioned was coming...

"Assemblymember Paul Krekorian invites you to attend Surviving the Meltdown: A Housing and Financial Crises Workshop The free session will feature workshops and informational booths by government agencies, financial institutions and non-profit groups who will be on hand to help deliver practical advice you will be able to use immediately.

Job Seekers: Specialists from the Employment Development Department (EDD) will talk about unemployment insurance, job placement programs and what to do if you lose your job;

Homeowners: Experts will offer helpful strategies on loan modifications, how to avoid foreclosures and reassess your property tax;

Renters: Representatives will be on hand to guide you through your options should a landlord foreclose on the property, and explain your rights with regards to property maintenance, rent increases and evictions;

Potential and recent home buyers: learn the tenets of financial fitness and what to expect when buying a home. Also, first time home buyers can learn how to take advantage of up to $22,000 in government grants.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Roy Romer Middle School
6501 Laurel Canyon Blvd,
North Hollywood, CA 91601

To RSVP (encouraged, not required) or for more information, please call (818) 558-3043. Light refreshments will be served.

हियर इस ठाट

Healthcare News Update - 19th May 2009

Talk Medical ( Post news from your organization or company, post events you are involved in or feel would be of interest to the wider community, blog to your heart's content on current health issues or simply just share any interesting health stories you may have.

Latest News

Industry groups reiterate commitment to reduce health spending growth
The six industry groups that pledged to reduce health care spending growth by $2 trillion over 10 years on Friday issued a statement reaffirming their commitment to work toward the goal, Roll Call reports (Murray, Roll Call, 5/15).

Washington Post examines lobbying efforts of health information technology industry
The Washington Post on Saturday examined the role of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society in lobbying for the national adoption of health information technology as part of health reform efforts.

California Governor outlines cuts to address State's budget deficit problems
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) outlined two budget proposals to address the state's budget problems, and both plans would affect health care, the Los Angeles Times reports.

California mental health advocates raise concern over treatment of ICE detainees
The San Diego Tribune on Monday profiled the La Mesa, Calif.-based private psychiatric hospital Alvarado Parkway Institute. Some advocates say that the hospital is in a network of private hospitals that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement uses to hold "severely" mentally ill detainees nationwide, often "out of reach of lawyers and even their families," the Tribune reports.

American Indian tribes to get $500 million in stimulus funds for health projects
Newly appointed IHS Director Yvette Roubideaux on Friday announced that American Indian tribes will receive $500 million as part of the $787 billion economic stimulus package to fund health care projects, the Green Bay Press-Gazette reports.

Recession is contributing to a decline in overall family health in the Hispanic community
The economic downturn is contributing to a decline in overall family health in the Hispanic community, with parents prioritizing their children's health over their own. While 44 percent of Hispanics consider it equally important for parents to take care of their own health and the health of their children, significantly more parents say the economic downturn has affected their own health and wellness compared to that of their children (69 percent vs. 59 percent).

Patients want full access to all medical records - willing to make privacy concessions
As President Barack Obama calls for streamlining heath care by fully converting to electronic medical records and as Congress prepares to debate issues of patient privacy, one question has largely gone unasked: What do patients want?

Ensuring seniors are safe and secure during emergencies
Planning for emergencies must take into account the growing numbers of frail elderly people who will by virtue of shifting demographics be involved in any natural or manmade disaster, according to US researchers writing in the International Journal of Emergency Management.

What is the formula for sustainable healthcare reform?
A new report, released today by the Manhattan Institute's Center for Medical Progress and authored Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the former Director of the Congressional Budget Office, makes the fiscal and political case for bipartisan healthcare reform.

Early mobilization of patients in intensive care improves outcomes
Aside from the obvious and immediate health problems that patients undergoing mechanical ventilation face, those who recover often do so with profound loss of strength and mobility that can impair their daily functioning and even lead to increased risk of morbidity and mortality down the line.

Insured immigrants have lower medical costs than U.S.-born citizens, study finds
Insured immigrants have lower medical expenses than insured U.S.-born citizens after taking into account their health status and other characteristics, according to a study released on Thursday and published in the American Journal of Public Health, Reuters Health reports.

Chicago Tribune examines use of urgent care centers
More people have begun using urgent care centers as a means of avoiding waiting for care in emergency departments or for a doctor's appointment, the Chicago Tribune reports.

General Motors, United Auto Workers nearing deal to use company stock for half of VEBA obligation, sources say
General Motors and the United Auto Workers are close to finalizing a deal that would reduce the automaker's cash obligation to a retiree health care trust fund, according to people with knowledge of the matter, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Senate Finance Committee holds second closed-door meeting on health care reform; details of House Energy and Commerce Committee overhaul plan leaked
The Senate Finance Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Thursday both worked on health care proposals aimed at overhauling the U.S. health care system, CQ Today reports.

Obama campaign contributors being asked to donate to effort supporting health care reform
The Washington Times on Friday examined how President Obama's "former campaign apparatus is cranking up a full-tilt drive for passage of a health care overhaul this year" by "tapping his 13-million-strong e-mail list" for financial contributions to fund advertising efforts, hire staff and open election-style offices.

Industry groups say White House overstated pledge to reduce health spending growth
Groups representing hospitals and insurers on Thursday said that President Obama considerably overstated their pledge to rein in health care spending, the New York Times reports.

Don't punish people for just staying alive!
Among all the mixed messages on retirement flowing from the budget, the biggest policy development is the decision to extend the working age for Australians to 67. Without doubt, this change will be the enduring legacy of this budget, certainly for future retirees, and for the country as a whole.!.aspx

Urgent Care Centers: Between the ER and the family doctor
Urgent care centers (UCCs) are providing an alternative to emergency room treatment. A study published in the open access journal BMC Health Services Research has shown that UCCs tend to be open well outside of office hours and offer a wider range of services than primary care offices.

California ballot measures would have negative effect on health care access for children, immigrants, minority advocacy groups say
A coalition of ethnic minority advocacy groups has raised concerns that two of six budget-related propositions on the May 19 special election ballot would negatively affect minorities' health, New America Media reports.

Editorial says, Obama is "right to push for health care reform"
President Obama is "right to push for [health care] reform now, despite calls to postpone efforts solely on the economic recovery," a Philadelphia Inquirer editorial states.

Missouri Legislature passes bills that impose levies on health care providers to generate additional Federal Medicaid funding
Missouri lawmakers have approved two bills (HB 740 and SB 307) that extend or create health care provider taxes or certification fees as part of an effort to draw in more federal Medicaid matching dollars, the AP/Ann Arbor News reports.

Senate Finance Committee to discuss public plan options; House Energy and Commerce Committee discusses state, regional plans
The Senate Finance Committee on Thursday will meet to discuss the inclusion of a public insurance plan in its health care reform legislation, the Des Moines Register reports (Beaumont, Des Moines Register, 5/14). Supporters of the public plan say it would allow middle-income workers a choice between their employer coverage and coverage offered by the government. The insurance industry and Republican lawmakers oppose such a plan.

Senate Democrats meet with White House adviser to craft response to Republican criticism on health reform
Senate Democrats on Wednesday worked with senior White House adviser David Axelrod to craft a health care message focused on affordability and choice, the AP/Contra Costa Times reports (Werner, AP/Contra Costa Times, 5/13).

Two New York State health agencies launch series of projects that seek to reduce racial health disparities
The Perinatal Network of Monroe County and the Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency in New York state on Friday will unveil a series of 13 initiatives that aim to reduce racial health disparities, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports.

Nevada Legislative Committee reinstates Governor's proposed Medicaid cuts
A Nevada Senate-Assembly budget subcommittee has voted to reject some of the changes to the $900 million state Medicaid budget proposed by Gov. Jim Gibbons (R) and others, the AP/San Jose Mercury News reports (Gines, AP/San Jose Mercury News, 5/12).

Senate Finance Committee weighs proposal to tax employer health benefits, other plans to pay for health reform
The Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday heard arguments for taxing employer-sponsored health care benefits as a means for funding a comprehensive health care overhaul, the Wall Street Journal reports.

House Democrats say they will introduce reform legislation August recess; Obama Administration to look into wellness programs
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, (D-Calif.) and other House Democrats met with President Barack Obama on Wednesday, promising a health reform bill by the end of July, the AP/Examiner reports.

Medicare hospital fund will be insolvent by 2017, two years earlier than expected, trustees say
The trust fund that Medicare uses to pay for beneficiaries' hospital care will be insolvent by 2017, as the program since last year has been paying out more than it collects in taxes and interest, in part due to the worsening economy, according to a Medicare Payment Advisory Commission report issued Tuesday, the Washington Times reports.

Medicare information for caregivers now available on NIHSeniorHealth
If you're caring for an older friend or family member, you've probably had questions about Medicare, the federal health insurance program for adults 65 and older and people under age 65 with disabilities.

Gov. O'Malley signs two bills that set new rules for no-cost, low-cost hospital care, financial information
Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) signed two bills on Thursday that institute new rules to determine eligibility for no-cost or reduced-price care at state hospitals and mandate that staff provide financial assistance information to all patients, the Baltimore Sun reports.

Few dentists in Wisconsin accept patients enrolled in BadgerCare Plus
Few dentists in Wisconsin are accepting patients insured by BadgerCare Plus, and children in particular are affected, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

More 'walk-in clinics' affiliated with hospitals, medical centers
The number of hospitals in the U.S. that are affiliated with walk-in clinics in large retail chains, such as Wal-Mart or CVS, is rising, as hospitals view the collaborations as a means of expanding their business, the New York Times reports.

Blue Dog Coalition criticizes house health care leaders for developing legislation in secret
Members of the fiscally conservative, Democratic Blue Dog Coalition on Monday sent a letter to the chairs of three House committees who have been tasked with drafting health care legislation, saying they are "increasingly troubled" by the exclusivity of the process, the New York Times reports.

Health industry groups pledge to reduce spending; some health advocates express skepticism about plan
As President Obama on Monday met with health care industry groups regarding their pledge to reduce $2 trillion in expected health care spending increases over the next 10 years, many health care advocates expressed skepticism about the promise, the Hartford Courant reports (Levick, Hartford Courant, 5/12).

Obama calls for additional taxes to offset budgeting mistakes that overstated revenue for health reform
The Obama administration on Monday proposed $58 billion worth of new taxes in response to findings that returns from the original funding mechanism for President Obama's health care plan were overstated, the AP/Boston Globe reports (Ohlemacher, AP/Boston Globe, 5/11).

West Virginia Gov. Manchin vetoes Medicaid mental health reimbursement hike
West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D) on Thursday vetoed a $1.5 million bill to increase Medicaid reimbursements for mental health care services over three years, but said that the state will direct $12.7 million in state and federal money to community-based mental health services and reduce overcrowding in psychiatric hospitals, the Charleston Gazette reports.

Hospitals' efforts to reduce readmissions not recognized under current payment model
Hospitals' efforts to reduce the portion of patients who are readmitted for follow-up care are proving successful in many cases, but even though the moves often result in savings for insurers, the hospitals do not necessarily benefit financially, the New York Times reports. Because insurer payments are based on treatments provided rather than the health of patients, hospitals can "actually lose money by providing better care," the Times reports.

Kaiser Health News/Philadelphia Inquirer examines college graduates' search for health insurance
Kaiser Health News/Philadelphia Inquirer on Monday examined health insurance for young adults, many of whom lose coverage after they graduate from high school or college or reach a certain age.

Lawmakers considering changing tax rules to allow employers to encourage wellness, prevention among workers
A plan being developed by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) would give tax credits to employers offering wellness programs, such as periodic screenings for health problems and counseling, to encourage workers to adopt healthier lifestyles, the New York Times reports.

Health industry members vow to reduce spending by $2 trillion over next 10 years; savings could help finance reform
Leading health care industry groups on Monday are expected to pledge to President Obama that they will attempt to reduce $2 trillion in expected health care spending increases over the next 10 years, Obama administration officials said on Sunday, the Wall Street Journal reports (Adamy, Wall Street Journal, 5/11).

Senior Medicare beneficiaries give their coverage higher ratings than do those with ESI
Elderly Medicare beneficiaries are more satisfied with their health care, and experience fewer problems accessing and paying for care, than Americans with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI), according to a study by Commonwealth Fund researchers published today on the Health Affairs Web site.

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Today, also, I have a presentation. Further, it is Open House at my youngest son*s school, along with the book fair we will be attending. Busy day. And, tomorrow, MY personal election voting day, for the committee positions I have been asked to run for. Wish me luck, no, blessings. I better decide on one and quickly put together a campaign. I can do it quickly. And, fortunately, I was able to knock out a 6 page report in one night, last night. Busy week. Go Trutanich! :) Go me! ;) For the next two terms, I think I will take on less responsibilities, and schedule more vacation time, in the form of day vacations. :) *SD

Monday, 18 May 2009

Disease/Infection News Update 19th May 2008

Talk Medical ( Post news from your organization or company, post events you are involved in or feel would be of interest to the wider community, blog to your heart's content on current health issues or simply just share any interesting health stories you may have.

Latest News

Global AIDS coordinator Goosby should serve as 'fierce advocate' for pediatric HIV/AIDS programs, letter to editor Says
"The details of President Obama's new global health initiative have left many concerned that the financing described does not reflect the commitment required to lead the United States' efforts in the global fight against HIV and AIDS," Jennifer Delaney, executive director of Global Action for Children, writes in a New York Times letter to the editor.

Sex workers in Pakistan give recommendations on HIV prevention to health officials
Although the recorded HIV prevalence in Pakistan is relatively low, health officials are concerned that a concentrated epidemic of the virus among injection drug users could carry over to commercial sex workers and other high risk groups in the country, IRIN/PlusNews reports.

New HIV/AIDS initiative in Tanzania aims to increase condom availability
Condom vending machines will be unveiled on Monday in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as part of a six-year pilot HIV prevention initiative in the country, Tanzania's The Citizen reports.

Denver Post examines efforts to establish needle-exchange programs in Colorado
The Denver Post on Friday examined efforts to establish needle-exchange programs in Colorado to reduce the risk of HIV and hepatitis C among injection drug users.

Vaccine candidate successful in blocking Simian version of HIV
Researchers have successfully blocked SIV, the simian version of HIV, using a new technique that could help lead to the development of an effective HIV/AIDS vaccine, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The team also included scientists from Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, and the New England Primate Research Center in Boston.

Computer simulation captures immune response to flu
Researchers have successfully tested first the first time a computer simulation of major portions of the body's immune reaction to influenza type A, with implications for treatment design and preparation ahead of future pandemics, according to work accepted for publication, and posted online, by the Journal of Virology.

World Health Assembly opens amid concerns about flu pandemic
The 62nd World Health Assembly opened today in Geneva, as officials from 193 member countries began their annual review of the activities of the WHO and set new priorities for the future.

Piecing together the HIV prevention puzzle
"It's an exciting time in HIV prevention research. We will see results from a number of critically important HIV prevention research trials this year, as well as see the start of new trials around the world that will yield important answers in the years to come," said Mitchell Warren, AVAC executive director, at the release of AVAC's 13th annual report of the field.

Latest news on swine flu - 39 countries now affected
The latest update from the World Health Organization (WHO) # 31, says as of 17th May that 39 countries have now officially reported a total of 8,480 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection.

Urgent need for stringent TB screening policies among South African healthcare workers
Healthcare workers in South Africa are at a significantly increased risk of developing drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR-TB, in a trend which threatens to further exacerbate the already beleaguered healthcare systems in sub-Saharan countries, according to results of a new study.

Influenza A(H1N1) update, 39 countries and 8480 cases
As of 06:00 GMT, 17 May 2009, 39 countries have officially reported 8480 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection.

Early retroviral use best for AIDS patients with serious complications
HIV-positive patients who don't seek medical attention until they have a serious AIDS-related condition can reduce their risk of death or other complications by half if they get antiretroviral treatment early on, according to a new multicenter trial led by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

Early use of antiretroviral treatment improves survival rate of HIV patients
A clinical study, led by researchers from University College Dublin, Ireland, and Stanford University, California, USA, with international collaborators, demonstrates that mortality rates of HIV patients can be almost halved when early antiretroviral (ARV) therapy is added to the treatment of AIDS-related opportunistic infections (OIs) such as pneumonia, meningitis or other serious bacterial infections.

Variation of natural compound cures malaria in mice
Approximately 350 million to 500 million cases of malaria are diagnosed each year mostly in sub-Saharan Africa. While medications to prevent and treat malaria do exist, the demand for new treatments is on the rise, in part, because malaria parasites have developed a resistance to existing medications.

Rates of sexually transmitted infections in Allegheny County, Pa., disproportionately high among blacks, officials say
Health officials in Allegheny County, Pa., on Wednesday held a sexually transmitted infection diversity conference to discuss the disproportionately higher STI rates among blacks and strategies to reduce them, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports.

House, Senate Committees approve bills that include influenza pandemic funds
The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday voted unanimously to approve a $91.3 billion defense and foreign aid spending bill that includes President Obama's request for $1.5 billion in emergency funds to fight a potential influenza pandemic, the AP/Winston-Salem Journal reports.

Lambda Legal files suit against assisted-living facility for allegedly discriminating against HIV-positive resident
Lambda Legal, a group that represents HIV-positive people, on Tuesday filed a law suit against the Fox Ridge assisted-living facility in North Little Rock, Ark., for allegedly evicting a resident because he is HIV-positive, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports.

New Jersey Senator proposes plan to avert HIV/AIDS drug copayments
New Jersey state Sen. Joseph Vitale (D) -- chair of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee -- earlier this week proposed a plan to temporarily reduce rebate checks to senior citizens earning $100,000 to $150,000 in an effort to alleviate the effects of possible budget cuts on certain populations, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. Vitale's proposal also would avert planned $6 to $15 prescription drug copayments for people living with HIV/AIDS in the state (Livio, Newark Star-Ledger, 5/12).

PIH founder Farmer discussing possible appointment to coordinate U.S. global health initiatives, Boston Globe reports
Paul Farmer -- founder of Partners in Health and vice chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School -- said he is in discussions with the State Department about a possible Obama administration appointment to coordinate U.S. global health initiatives, the Boston Globe reports. Farmer made the announcement Monday during a meeting with HMS faculty.

Obama names New York City Health Commissioner Frieden next CDC Director, New York Times reports
President Obama on Friday named New York City Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden as the next CDC director, the New York Times reports. It has long been expected that Obama would select Frieden, an infectious disease specialist, according to the Times.

Human nose temperature too cold for avian influenza
Avian influenza viruses do not thrive in humans because the temperature inside a person's nose is too low, according to research published today in the journal PLoS Pathogens.

Australian scientist suggests Swine flu an accident in the lab
The suggestion by an Australian virologist that the new flu virus, H1N1 or swine flu, could have been the result of a laboratory accident has been dismissed by Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the deputy director general of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Swine flu preoccupies world health leaders
It is expected that the upcoming World Health Organisation's (WHO) annual assembly will be dominated this year by the emergence and spread of the new influenza virus H1N1 (swine flu).

Vietnamese HIV/AIDS Department announces funding for prevention efforts
Vietnamese officials announced recently that about 678 billion dong, or about $38.7 million, will be allocated for HIV/AIDS prevention efforts in the country in 2009, the VNA/ reports.

About 20% of surveyed sex workers who use drugs in Irish capital living with HIV, report finds
About one-fifth of commercial sex workers surveyed in Dublin, Ireland, are HIV-positive, while 78% of the surveyed group is living with hepatitis C, according to a report released Tuesday by the National Advisory Committee on Drugs, the Irish Times reports.

Vigils held worldwide to protest jailing of Iranian physicians who addressed HIV/AIDS
Health professionals on Tuesday held vigils in several cities worldwide to protest the imprisonment of Iranian brothers Kamiar and Arash Alaei -- physicians and leading HIV/AIDS advocates in the country -- following the release of Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, the Albany Times Union reports.

Many Americans support increased domestic funding to address HIV/AIDS, report says
Many Americans support increased funding to address HIV/AIDS in the U.S. according to a report released Wednesday for the National AIDS Coordinating Committee with support from the MAC AIDS Fund, Reuters Health reports.

Will the NHS continue to function in an influenza pandemic?
A survey of health care workers has revealed that as many as 85% may stay off work if an influenza pandemic did take hold of the country.

Canada 'leading contributor' to global HIV/AIDS efforts, Canadian official says
A recent column in the Victoria Times on Canada's response to HIV/AIDS, written by Times columnist Kate Heartfield, "overlook[ed] the real story here -- that Canada is dedicated to getting results" in treating and preventing HIV/AIDS in Canada and worldwide, Canadian Minister of International Cooperation Beverley Oda writes in an Ottawa Citizen opinion piece.

International Nurses Day chance to improve conditions for health workers in developing countries, opinion piece says
International Nurses Day, which took place on Tuesday, was "an appropriate day ... to consider the challenges faced by health care personnel in developing countries," including those related to HIV/AIDS, Gary Cohen, board director of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and the CDC Foundation, writes in a opinion piece.

Obama administration 'wants to go slow' on HIV/AIDS efforts, editorial says
"The road to ending AIDS comes with warning sign: Caution -- Politics Ahead. Just ask President Obama, who's getting a crash-course introduction," a San Francisco Chronicle editorial says.

"Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers" network strong force in HIV/AIDS efforts, HIV advocate Lewis says
The network "Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers" in Regina, Canada -- the local effort of the Stephen Lewis Foundation's network of grandmother organizations called Grandmothers to Grandmothers -- has "emerged as a force to be reckoned with" among the 70,000 Canadians supporting the foundation, the Regina Leader-Post reports.

South African President Zuma appoints new health minister to replace Hogan
South African President Jacob Zuma on Sunday appointed physician Aaron Motsoaledi as health minister, replacing Health Minister Barbara Hogan, who was appointed to a public enterprises position, London's Guardian reports. Motsoaledi previously served as a provincial education minister. Hogan had been appointed to the post last year to replace former Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang (Smith, Guardian, 5/10).

New York Times examines campaign that promotes HIV awareness, prevention through media
The New York Times recently examined a campaign that aims to promote HIV awareness and prevention through several media outlets.

Scientists develop tool to study a deadly parasite's histone code
In the Japanese art of paper folding, a series of folds can make the same sheet of paper into a ballerina or baby elephant. But try unfolding the baby elephant and making it into a ballerina. It's like trying to make a neuron from a kidney cell. Epigenetics, it turns out, isn't much different from this old Japanese art: Each fold, or epigenetic crease, both limits and permits further potential folds in a way that mirrors how epigenetic changes seal a cell's fate.

New mathematical model predicts immune response to influenza A virus
Researchers at the University of Rochester have developed a mathematical model to predict immune responses to infection with influenza A viruses, including novel viruses such as the emergent 2009 influenza A (H1N1). This model examines the contributions of specific sets of immune cells in fighting influenza A virus.

Influenza pandemic planning needed to ensure that pregnant women and newborns receive priority treatment
Pregnant women and newborns are at greatest risk in a flu epidemic, but more planning must be done to ensure that they receive priority treatment should an outbreak occur, according to a University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and University of Pittsburgh study.

Break through in the treatment of bacterial meningitis
It can take just hours after the symptoms appear for someone to die from bacterial meningitis. Now, after years of research, experts at The University of Nottingham have finally discovered how the deadly meningococcal bacteria is able to break through the body's natural defence mechanism and attack the brain.

The latest news on swine flu
The latest update (# 26) from the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that as of the 12th of May 2009, 30 countries have officially reported 5,251 cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection.

New York Legislature should approve legislation requiring health workers to offer HIV testing, editorial says
The New York state Legislature "should make it mandatory for health care workers to offer [HIV] testing" as proposed in a New York state bill (A 7757), a Long Island Newsday editorial says (Long Island Newsday, 5/11).

Disabled youth in Botswana call for greater involvement in country's HIV/AIDS efforts
The Botswana Federation of the Disabled recently held a seminar to commemorate the country's "Youth Against HIV/AIDS" month, focusing on the role of disabled young people in efforts to curb the spread of HIV, Botswana's Sunday Standard reports.

IRIN/Plus News examines HIV/AIDS services in Zimbabwe following economic crisis
IRIN/Plus News on Monday examined services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe following an economic crisis in the country.

HIV cases among young people in Iowa increasing
Health officials announced recently that the number of newly recorded HIV cases among Iowans ages 15 to 24 increased by 45% in 2008 to 16, despite the widespread availability of condoms and other prevention methods, the Iowa Press-Citizen reports.

San Francisco Chronicle examines emergency department HIV testing program
The San Francisco Chronicle on Monday examined an HIV testing program at San Francisco General Hospital's emergency department, which is part of a nationwide CDC program that offers routine testing to all ED patients.

Simple interventions could contain flu spread – focus on children
Although many have touted strategies from travel avoidance to Tamiflu to halt the spread of H1N1 flu or swine flu, a large body of evidence from the Cochrane Library suggests that concentrating on children's hygiene might be the best way to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses.

A potentially better way to make flu virus vaccines
A team of Princeton University scientists may have found a better way to make a vaccine against the flu virus.

Research looks at the human factor in spread of pandemic illness
Industrial engineers Sandra Garrett of Clemson University and Barrett Caldwell of Purdue University have proposed a new system to warn of an impending pandemic by monitoring signals in human behavior. The system could result in using a simple icon on a television screen to warn of future phases of an outbreak of an illness such as the flu

Obama ensures Hispanic community they will be included in H1N1 flu outbreak efforts
In a town hall-style meeting at the White House on Friday, President Obama ensured Hispanic community leaders and advocates that the U.S. will not alienate the group as a result of the recent H1N1 flu outbreak believed to have started in Mexico, the AP/Las Vegas Sun reports. Obama also assured the group that they will receive treatment related to the virus regardless of legal status.

Stigma, gender violence placing women in Caribbean at increased risk of HIV
Inter Press Service on Thursday examined how an increasing number of women living with HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean face stigma, discrimination and gender-based violence that is linked to the spread of the disease. UNAIDS reports that women overall now account for half of the population living with HIV in the Caribbean, compared with 30% in 1999. Women ages 15 to 24 account for 62% of the entire HIV-positive population in the Caribbean.

Botswana announce HIV-prevention project to circumcise 80% of eligible men over five years
Botswana's Ministry of Health is launching a project that aims to circumcise nearly 500,000 men over the next five years in an effort to prevent the spread of HIV, the AFP/Daily Telegraph reports.

Researchers developing pasteurization technique to help HIV-positive women breastfeed
VOA News on Thursday examined a project to help HIV-positive women in developing countries breastfeed their infants and reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission.

Africa should manufacture its own antiretrovirals, A.U. official says
African countries should produce their own generic antiretroviral drugs in order to continue the fight against HIV/AIDS during the global economic crisis, African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs Bience Gawanas said recently during a conference for health ministers in Ethiopia, Reuters UK reports.

HIV/AIDS advocates express concern about Obama's continuation of needle-exchange funding ban
Although President Obama previously has expressed support for needle-exchange programs as part of HIV/AIDS prevention efforts, advocates recently expressed concern that the administration's 2009-2010 budget proposal intends to continue a funding ban for such programs that dates back to the 1980s, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

Researchers screen the smallpox proteome
University of Florida researchers have learned more about how smallpox conducts its deadly business - discoveries that may reveal as much about the human immune system as they do about one of the world's most feared pathogens.

Early findings about H1N1 pandemic potential
Early findings about the emerging pandemic of a new strain of influenza A (H1N1) in Mexico are published in Science.

Money from Bill and Melinda Gates will help beat Dengue fever in Australia
The University of Queensland (UQ) has won a grant of $100,000 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fight dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases.

Swine flu could come round again!
The Centres for Disease Protection and Control (CDC) says outbreaks of the new H1N1 swine flu continue to spread across the United States and the swine influenza virus is expected to spread to all 50 states and to cause many infections ranging from mild to severe.

Australian scientists win funds for new research
One bold idea - that's all it takes - such is the creed of a bold initiative fostered by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and once again Bill Gates is putting his hand in his pocket for the good of mankind.

Swine flu now in 29 countries and continuing to spread
The latest update (# 24), from the World Health Organisation on influenza A H1N1 (swine flu) says as of the 10th May 2009, 29 countries have now officially reported cases of human infection.