Sunday, 31 August 2008

Another Epidemic

DIABETES IS THE FASTEST GROWING CHRONIC DISEASE. 225,000 Americans die each year from diabetes and the complications thereof. It can hit ANYONE, at ANYTIME, without warning. Take care of yourself, and see a healthcare proffesional regularly. This is a Public Service Announcement. *SDRoads




New Orleans In Trouble Again

This time, because of Gustav. Please pray for the people in the line of fire, I mean water, like McCain. He and his team don*t want to celebrate their achievments in the light of the current natural disaster. They are keeping that in check. Obama and his camp are not planning on flying to New Orleans. *SDRoads, reporting.

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Dry Run


Come Get Your Medicine

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Coming Up Soon...

Turning The Wash Into The Watch~ The Changing Tide of the Tujunga Wash, along with, In Memoriam~ The Boy Who Died Too Young. -SD

History In The Making

Hi. I had been trying to post this since yesterday, but, unfortunately, Taliesin was not able to get the copy, for my Yahoo e~mail account has been acting strangely again. I sent it, and other messages, with no response. That was unusual for her. So, I checked my Sent Mail file, and there it was... nothing. All the latest messages disappeared as fast as a ghost can vanish. The words just flowed out of me, through my hands onto my cell's type pad yesterday. Now, I just know the rewrite will pale in comparison. This, even though we will never be able to see the original. It is lost in Web WonderLand, forever. Well, here goes, the rewrite... wish me luck. ; )

Last night I was thinking on how Obama was making history with his speech over there in Colorado, along with many other ways, as well. It made me feel inspired to hear it. But, I was also thinking on how McCain was making history in his own right. He is doing that in many ways, as well, most assuredly. But here were the two things I touched upon in yesterday's commentary. One, he was making history through his one day airtime showing of his admiration of Obama's work this campaign so far. Good for you, McCain. And the second thing I touched on was his choice in running mate. She is stunning, not only because she was once a Beauty Pageant Contestant, but, also because of her (Oh gosh, here is the part where I can't do the original justice in the rewrite. Come on memory... come on... work! LoL) (She ponders with hands on forehead, elbows on the computer desk. Haha) ... (Well, at least they have some really great rhythm music on, here, at the Internet Cafe, as I try to recall what I wrote about the woman....)...
(Shoot, 12 minutes left. Come on, come on.)... (Eleven....)... Well, I mentioned, wrote rather, (O.k., O.k., enough with the filler words already. Haha)... but also because of her work ethic, determination, and willingness to be a trailblazer, and not be scared into submission, nor be afraid to rock the boat. Good girl! Maybe her and McCain can be trail blazers together, and affect great change for this country, our great country. And that is my commentary. -SDRoads


Friday, 29 August 2008


This is my own personal opinion. It is not something posted for SDRoads while she is on vacation.

First, I should tell you that I have not been a supporter of Barack Obama.

But I believe every American should listen to each of the candidates, in their own words. We should not only listen to pundits and the commercials. We need to listen to the candidates themselves.

As I listened to Barack Obama's speech from Denver, I was truly inspired. I feel Obama is saying hopeful and convincing things about Americans and unity in our country. I hope we can believe what he said. I look forward to hearing John McCain speak in St. Paul, in his own words too. We all need to really listen, with an open mind, to both candidates before making a final decision of who to vote for in November.

Thanks to SDRoads for letting me express my own opinion here on her forum.

Taliesin, Administrative Assistant. 8/29/2008

Quick editing by SDRoads

The Con

Well, Obama sounded rather CONvincing in Colorado. As a matter of fact, he was downright inspiring, truly. He nearly had me sold. Let*s hope he means what he said, unlike some people (People who just say what the American citizens on the whole want to hear, just to get the vote.). Because, even if he looses this Election, he can still run again in the next one. But, basically, and sadly, it seems to all boil down to this: Who is the stronger party? Maybe that is why Hills gave up. Lots of political maneuvers on behalf of the major political partys.~ You scratch my back, I*ll scratch yours. Don*t get me wrong. It*s nice that the Clintons, including Chelsea, have been so gun~hoe for The Big O. But, sometimes I wish they would talk
about her, and what she could do for our Country, our Great Nation. Oh that*s right, they can*t, given she opted out. And, did y*all notice how Obama mentioned that we are all fighting for our country, not only for the Republicans or the Democrats? However, I still can*t help but think that, overall, there is still some political dirty pool. There*s a lot going on behind the scenes. And that is my commentary.*SDRoads 08/29/2008

posted by Taliesin, Administrative Assistant

Quick Editing by SDRoads

Thursday, 28 August 2008

The Den of Thieves

Boy! They sure are having a free for all over there in Denver these days, aren't they? I don't like all this character bashing and stealing of good names over there. And even though McCain doesn't know how many houses he has, I'm still giving him my vote. Exactly why, I don't know. I really need to get abreast of these things. But, what I can say is this: Remember, when Hills and Obama were really going at it, McCain was the one not insulting anyone. Really, he just stuck to the issues and didn't strike back until he was hit just one too many times. Good job McCain. I mean, let's face it. The actions and sentiment of Hills and Obama has been a little confusing. First, they were arch enemies, then they pull a united front. And what's up with the Clintons lately? Why is Hills (seeming to) kiss(ing) up to Obama? It just urks me. She gave up on herself too quick. Maybe she thought, "What goes around comes around." and brought to life a self fulfilling prophesy. And that is my commentary. *SDRoads 08/28/2008"

Added by Taliesin, Administrative Assistant

Quick Editing by SDRoads

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

The Funny Things We Do

Amongst all of this talk of religion and politics of late, for me, along with all of the swirls of information and ideas that flow through my brain, something amazing happened. I actually had a light bulb moment... OF A COMMON THOUGHT!!! LoL And that thought was, Wow! Cups that have their own coasters! Haha I literally thought that as I closely looked at my new cup. You see, I had a guest over to the new place, and I had to keep worrying about cup rings on the new furniture. My fiance just didn't get it. Hint hint to you, oh dear fiance. LoL See y'all later. I'm still on vacation. I'll be back to the grind next week, the day after Labor Day, or, as a woman I once knew says, "And the circle begins again". I hope all of you have a great 3 day weekend. Try to relax... try.... In this hectic world, I know that can be tough. Have a great day. And a great big HI to Taliesin. Wink She does a really great job! -SD

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

The Big Picture

Does he bow down at high noon, or whatever it is that they do? I think not. If he can't decide what religion he wants, how could he know what to do in a war? Somebody has to ask it. Of course, these questions, along with the previous post, should be considered hypothetical. In all fairness, I don't even know the gentleman, or his ethical stance, along with his religious beliefs, for that matter. But, there is a broader point I am making. Look. This country was founded on Christian values. They took God out The Pledge of Allegiance, and I'll be daned if I will let them take him out of this presidential election, too, if I can help it! And that is my commentary- SDRoads
From In the Eight O'clock Hour (August 24th, 2008)

Saturday, 23 August 2008


This just in Oh my God! Literally. We can*t have a Muslim in the WhiteHouse! No offense, but come on people. Think about this. And Obama couldn*t have picked Hillary because he knew that a black man and a woman would be a double wammy, a shock to the American system, eh? And what about that deal with Hills and Lincoln and Savings and Loan? Olde folk were cryin in the streets. They lost everything! Their life savings in someone else*s pocket, other people*s, rather. A few even topped themselves! And what about the fall guy? Google it. Google it all. Food for thought. Pray, pray hard... for our Country, Our Great Nation, and our people! And that is my commentary. *SDRoads 08/23/2008 @5:08 p.m.

Added by Taliesin, Administrative Assistant

Friday, 22 August 2008

NewsFlash~SDRoads* Style

Did u hear that Obama picked his running mate? It is Senator Joe Biden of Delaware.

Also, there was a local story (local to me) of a man abusing his wife, and torturing her, along with another man, in Hawthorne. It was over a (pending?) divorce setttlement.

Plus, a woman who worked in Van Nuys, was killed 19 years ago, in Chatsworth. Her killer was found, thanks to a female cop who wouldn*t let the case go, after all those years.

3 good movies out now (Our Movie Picks), The House Bunny, the new Pacino and movie, along with the new Ben Stiller movie. Food for thought.


Dedicated to Jillian

Posted for SDRoads by Taliesin, Administrative Assistant

We miss you SD

Thank you to SDRoads for letting me be her Administration Assistant. I consider her to be a good friend. I can tell you that her move to the new place went well, and I'm confident that she will share the details with all of you, when she gets back online. I think the rest of you miss her as much as I do. She does such a wonderful job of keeping all the news and posts up to date for all of us to read, here on her site.

Taliesin, Administration Assistant

Christina Applegate

“Samantha Who?” star Christina Applegate, 36, is free of cancer after having both breasts removed to combat the disease, the actress told a U.S. television news show on Tuesday.

Applegate, who revealed her diagnosis for breast cancer earlier this month, had the double mastectomy performed a month after her diagnosis, she said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

The actress, who stars on the ABC sitcom “Samantha Who?,” said she bore a genetic risk for developing breast cancer, and she said her surgery was meant to prevent the cancer she suffered in one breast from coming back. But she said it was difficult to have both breasts surgically removed.

“Sometimes, you know, I cry,” Applegate said. “And sometimes I scream. And I get really angry. And I get really upset, you know, into wallowing in self-pity sometimes. And I think it’s all part of the healing.”

Applegate also talked about her mother, Nancy Priddy, who survived breast cancer and helped support the film and TV star in battling cancer.

“She’s been sort of this quiet warrior in the back and has been a great support, and just telling me that I was going to be OK. And I knew I was going to be OK. I’ve watched her,” Applegate said.

In the interview with ABC, Applegate said she will have reconstructive surgery on her breasts in coming months, and she showed fans that her sense of humor has remained intact.

“I’m going to have cute boobs ’til I’m 90,” she said.

The California-born Applegate rose to fame playing a ditzy daughter on the Fox network’s bawdy family sitcom “Married … With Children,” and since then has starred in several movies and TV shows.

She won an Emmy, U.S. television’s top honor, for a guest role on “Friends,” and was Emmy-nominated for “Samantha Who?” playing an amnesiac trying to put her life back together.

Applegate told “Good Morning America” she is starting a charitable foundation to help women meet the costs of MRI exams, which is how her disease was discovered.

The actress also will appear on upcoming TV fundraiser “Stand Up to Cancer” singing alongside Mariah Carey, Beyonce and Sheryl Crow, who also has battled breast cancer.

Thanks to Reuters.

Taliesin, Administration Assistant

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

A Quick Mention

But, a loving message.

We are very sorry to hear of Christina Applegate's battle with cancer. We are most sure she will be fine, cancer free, and live a long and healthy, along with happy, life. -SDRoads and family

Still on vacation.

Just checking in. -SD

Friday, 1 August 2008

A Last Goodbye

Well, it is that time. I've already moved all of our property to the new place. Now, it is just time to move us, and the vacation begins. We have been saying our last goodbyes to all the locals we know, and tying up all loose ends. Shanathan's Goodbye Party at the school will be a success. With the way he got welcomed back to school by everybody today, after being gone for surgery, I can tell. The cake has balloons on it, and "Goodbye" with his name. There was a lot of love in that schoolyard today. I was asked by a man who works there if I will join them for the party, but, I won't be able to. Too much to do on our last day here. That was sweet he asked, though. I have even been adding the final touches to this site, including updating things and editing/finalizing posts. However, I have run out of time, (I woke up too late today, at 7:59 a.m. (I didn't go to bed until after 1:00 a.m.), and we must be on the train by 2:15 p.m.). There is still work to be done here, especially since settings and fonts have been changed. I, as usual, have taken a lot of pics, something I always promised myself I would never do, given my parents used to take pictures so much, I thought the flashing would never end. Haha Just kidding. Anyway, I have now surpassed them in the picture taking department. It has been wonderful working on this blog and sharing the news with you all. As I said in a post below, I will be back in the Fall... hopefully. And, hopefully, by that time, I will have my own computer... and printer... and CanoScan, as well. LoL I walked into a computer center, and told a gentleman that I know a bit that I am leaving today. He said some nice things, along with a couple of jokes: There are two things about moving. 1) You never know how much stuff you have, until you move. 2)The difference between "junk" and "stuff" is, "junk" is stuff you throw away, "stuff" is junk you keep. Haha My father helped me move my stuff. At the old place, my friend and I loaded up the UHaul. Heading to the new place, my father saw what was in my UHaul, and the words, "Dios Mio" came charging out of his mouth. LoL My dad doesn't even speak Spanish! I told him on the phone later that night that he had said that. He said, "I said that?" And, he was thinking on getting another mover. At that time, he only had one. On the freeway, the mover told my dad, 'Look, if two girls could load the truck, most certainly I can unload it by myself!' (something like that). LoL Goodbye y'all. Time for my morning coffee. : ) -SDRoads

Second, and final, post of the day


Make the most of the rest! -SD

Post #1 of the day

Photo Source:
(It was hard to find a picture for this post, believe it or not. Haha I ended up with this. Type in "Summer" as a search, and you'll see what I mean. I had to try "the beauty of summer".)